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using the t7

Started by fraseman999, March 01, 2013, 10:40:33 PM

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Herman Trivilino

Quote from: fraseman999 on March 02, 2013, 11:08:52 AM
Say i want to move a lot of steel, well ok i am going to grind into the edge. My jig rest is going to be perpendicular. Why stand on the switch side?

With good light I can see better, I have better control, and I can exert more force.

I usually keep the machine oriented this same way when I'm free handing and grinding away from the edge.

It's a personal preference, fraseman, if it works better for you doing it the way you're doing it, then that's all that matters.

You do have the universal support mounted in the vertical position on the switch side, right?
Origin: Big Bang

Herman Trivilino

Quote from: Rob on March 02, 2013, 12:10:31 PM
Test photo load

The link is there, and when I cat-and-paste it into my browser it takes me there.  Not sure why it's not working. 
Origin: Big Bang


what is th link (URL) are you using?

Herman Trivilino

grepper, if yo click on Quote, as if you're about to reply to the message, you'll see the URL in the quoted text.
Origin: Big Bang


oooh!  Thanks Herman. 

On Photobucket, use the  IMG code in that box on the right.  In this case:

Herman Trivilino

Yup, that's what I thought.  The link was to the site, not to the actual jpg image that resides at that site.
Origin: Big Bang

Mike Fairleigh

Here's a little tutorial in case it helps.

Quote from: KSMike
To post photos, you first have to "host" them on a photo hosting site.  Many use, where you can get a free account very easily.  Once you have an account there, you upload your photos to that site.  It has all kinds of features so that you can organize your pictures into directories, etc.

Once uploaded, each picture will have a line of "img" (image) code which you can copy and paste into your post here.  Here's the photobucket window showing what I mean.  This is a photo of my Greenlee drawknife, which I uploaded to Photobucket long ago.  If I want to post the pic here, I just go to that picture in Photobucket, copy the contents as shown by the arrow...

then, back here in my Tormek (or any other) forum posting, I just paste that IMG value into my post, wherever I want the picture to appear.  When I click the "Post" button you magically see...

Trust me, it takes 10 times as long to write this up as it does to actually do it.

And by the way, I took a chunk out of my right index finger with that very drawknife this week.  >:(

My finger is healed nicely now. ;)

"If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend 7 sharpening my axe."  --Abraham Lincoln


I found that after I had done my experiments Mike :-)

Note to self....engage brain
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

Quote from: KSMike
Once uploaded, each picture will have a line of "img" (image) code which you can copy and paste into your post here.

Alright, let's see if I can post the image of my cleaver.

Origin: Big Bang

Herman Trivilino

Hey, it worked!  Thanks Mike.  Now, let's see if I can make it look better ...

I think I've managed to put a coin in there (for scale) for just about everyone around here.

If I left your country out, I'm sorry.  My travels haven't taken me that far.  Yet.
Origin: Big Bang

Herman Trivilino

Here's one more (I'm just showing off now).

Origin: Big Bang


its addicitve isnt it :-)
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

Quote from: Rob on March 04, 2013, 09:36:22 AM
its addicitve isnt it :-)

It's also a huge advantage over the original message boards where we could post text only.
Origin: Big Bang


yes...when I first joined I really noticed the absence of pics....that was a limitaton of the site was it?

Its just that all things Tormek are begging for up close pics to really highlight the issue with a jig...yet there none.  I feel sure that now we're all getting picture friendly it will catapult technical explanations into a new level od understanding and clarity
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

All message boards were text only when they first came out in the 1990's.  We didn't have the bandwidth or the software needed for posting large attachments like photographs, let alone movies!
Origin: Big Bang