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Where to buy Turning tools in New Orleans

Started by katiedobe, October 22, 2009, 02:31:18 AM

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Hello folks,
I am new here but I have had my Tormek for over 7 years.  I absolutely love the machine. 

I live in Mexico most of the year, I have a small hotel down here,  and we come home to the USA to visit relatives at times.  This year we are coming up to New Orleans and Baton Rouge for Christmas.  I want to find a Woodcraft type woodworking supply store in either of those two areas.
Any suggestions?  I have googled woodworking supplies and all I am getting are cabnitemaking supply houses or large industrial machine sellers.

Any info would be appreciated.

Life is good! Enjoy it.


Bump to the top.

Okay I am shocked.  There have been 32 views of this thread but no one has posted any suggestions of woodworking stores in the two biggest cities in Louisiana.

Come on don't be shy folks help me out here.

Are there no woodturners who use Tormek and live in Louisiana?

Life is good! Enjoy it.


I went to Tormek's website and searched their dealer's list. Nothing is listed for this state.


Went for Christmas week and again in Mid Feb.  For the record there are no woodworking stores that cater to turners or fine woodworkers on or near Interstate 10 between New Orleans and Houston.  Finally ended up at a Woodcraft store in Houston and those guys were great.

The one woodcraft in Mobile, AL closed. 

Got stuff mailordered and sent to my uncle.
Now they are very sharp and making nice bowls.

Life is good! Enjoy it.