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Chisel sharpening Saturday, Japanese chisel

Started by Thread Killer, March 09, 2025, 04:00:22 AM

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Thread Killer

 Sharpening a chisel is harder than I thought when you do it right. One was a Japanese piece.  I was able, (barely), to flatten the back on a stone, but the way Japanese chisels are made with the hollow back this may be the last sharpening.  My question is, when you hit the hollow part is the chisel ready for the garbage can?


This video was posted lately

It shows a method (and gives an explanation of how it works) to renew the edge of the chisel.


Ken S

Thread Killer

Great stuff! I saw a line, but stupidly thought it was just the honing process.  I realize now it is layered steel.  I normally don't do double bevels on chisels, I think it is proper in this case.  I am not a wood worker, just a sharpener, so this will probably go to a friend. Thank you, Dan.


Ken, please move this to Hand Tool Woodworking 
Rich Colvin - a reference guide for sharpening

You are born weak & frail, and you die weak & frail.  What you do between those is up to you.

Ken S

Rich, this is a good topic, which really deserves to be in hand tools. I will move it on Tuesday to allow anyone almost ready to reply.

Thread Killer

Yes, didn't know about other forum. My apologies.  Not a woodworker.  So, what do I know? 
Thank you, Ken.

Ken S

Topic movid. Ifound a good video on Japaneseplane irons. Chisels should be similar. Here is a link:

I suggest further study and alot of practice.
