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Water spilling with diamond wheels on T-8

Started by Cyrano, August 05, 2018, 09:09:16 PM

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I'm seeing quite a bit of water pooling on my work surface when I use the diamond wheels. I'm being careful to use only enough water to get good coverage of the wheel's surface, which is well below the maximum fill line, but water spills anyway.

It's almost as if the diamond wheel, when mounted on the T-8, puts water in places where the standard SG-250 wheel does not -- and those places do not drain into the trough, but drain onto the work surface.

Has anyone else seen similar behavior?

Ken S


I had a similar problem when I tried using the side of the wheel. I overfilled, not realizing how little extra water is required for side of the wheel use.

For regular edge use, with the water trough raised as much as possible (five clicks on my T8), The diamond wheels need 125mm of water with 5ml ACC. I did some reshaping on a turning skew yesterday this way. The small bit of spillage would easily have been absorbed by placing a paper towel under the T8.

When you want to use the side of the wheel, I would start with the basic 125+5, mix up another batch, and gradually add only as much as needed to cover as much of the side as needed. Note the amount for future reference.

For the first time ever, I left water (and ACC) in the trough overnight last night. I am in the middle of reshaping and sharpening a turning skew. I only did this because I can lower the trough on the T8. (Yes, I could have removed the water with the turkey baster and left it in a plastic jar.)

If excessive spillage was a problem, I don't think the wheels would have passed muster at Tormek.

Attn. Tormek: A good video on all of this would be useful.


Ken S

I just spend a considerable amount of time reshaping a turning skew chisel with my T8. This project was done in sessions over several days (with some false starts, a learning experience). My water spillage was very minimal, I don't believe even an ounce. Again, I was only using the face of the diamond wheels, not the sides.
