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outstanding new T8 video

Started by Ken S, March 01, 2017, 02:44:24 PM

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Ken S

Tormek now has an outstanding video on the T8 with Alan Holtham. This video is now more readily accessible. On the main Tormek website, click on the "My Tormek" in the upper right hand corner. As the website is new, you may have to reregister your Tormek. (i did.) Once you register and/or log in again, you will then see a choice "getting started" choice. (You can also access the handbook from this point).

The T8 video is longer than most Tormek videos, and covers more information. I have found it very instructive. T4 and T7 videos are also located there, as well as the other Tormek videos.




Quote from: Ken S on March 01, 2017, 02:44:24 PM
Tormek now has an outstanding video on the T8 with Alan Holtham. This video is now more readily accessible.


It is much LESS accessible.  One should NOT have to register on the site to find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have sent prospective Tormek buyer's to the site before as well as this forum (and some others) to see and read about them, to make informed buying choices.  That goes WAY against, new potential customers, and is a much more adversarial site, then it should be IMHO.

I would compare that, to a forum I tried to visit a few times.  You had to register to view the forum, so there was no previewing it. I had no way of knowing how active it is/was and you couldn't even view the Terms of Service, before signing up.  Might as well go to all those other annoying web idea's like flashing text, or text that is the same color as the background, etc. :o >:(
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)


I agree with SharpenADullWit.

I have been through the process (which eventually worked!) to register and watched the video. I have also submitted my comments to Tormek that this video is a selling tool and should be prominent on the web page. I have commented to Tormek again (repeat of previous comments) my views about the new website. It is too complicated; confusing etc; poor scaling, and missing prime objectives - we have a saying here - 'you can't see the wood for the trees'.

I bought a T7 after watching Jeff Farris and his chisel sharpening video. If he could smack a chisel with an axe and quickly re-sharpen it, that's for me. It was the single major selling influence - simply presented, showed the value - I was hooked.

Likewise the Alan Holtham video is a good display of the T8. Although it was 'recorded' on YouTube, it does not come up using a public search. Missed again Tormek.

I do not wish to appear to enjoy kicking Tormek, but I, like many other owners have proudly demonstrated to others what I can do with my T7 and have recommended it many times. I am retired but have experienced, no doubt like many other members of the Forum, the hard world of commerce and the effects of not getting your message across.

Ken S

I do not want this topic to get out of control. While I might like the Holtham video to be universally available, that decision is not mine to make. This is the Tormek decision on this issue:

"The Holtham video is for those who has registered their machine, same as the handbook."

In my case, I will set aside my thoughts and respect Tormek's decision. An encouraging email from Stig indicates that Tormek is in the process of making more of the videos we have requested. I look forward to these.

For the present, I suggest you all make sure your Tormeks, even those out of the warranty period, are registered on the new website. This will establish your connection to the videos. In addition to the T8, T4, and T7 videos, the website provides a link to many other Tormek videos. It is well worth doing.



Quote from: Ken S on March 02, 2017, 05:14:20 PM
I do not want this topic to get out of control. While I might like the Holtham video to be universally available, that decision is not mine to make. This is the Tormek decision on this issue:

"The Holtham video is for those who has registered their machine, same as the handbook."

In my case, I will set aside my thoughts and respect Tormek's decision. An encouraging email from Stig indicates that Tormek is in the process of making more of the videos we have requested. I look forward to these.

For the present, I suggest you all make sure your Tormeks, even those out of the warranty period, are registered on the new website. This will establish your connection to the videos. In addition to the T8, T4, and T7 videos, the website provides a link to many other Tormek videos. It is well worth doing.


Seems another bad design form, to not be able to import the database of registered users, so you don't have to register again.
That to me, would be the same as changing this forum, and then you, Ken, as a moderator, have to register again, just to be able to do the job you have.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)


   I was able to watch the Holtham T-8 video without having to register again. I didn't remember my password for the Tormek site, guess it was different than the one for the forum. That was easily reset, however.  The browser I normally use on my Kindle could not recognize the video format. After switching to another browser already installed, it worked great.
   I believe we need to give Tormek time to get everything (the new website) adjusted to the the way they want it. It might be that the video will be made available to others in the future. If not, something geared to marketing will probably appear.


Hi everyone,

My name is Marie and I am working with marketing communications at Tormek. I want to join this discussion and thank you for all the feedback, we really appreciate it. We are continuously working with improving our website and we try to take opinions from our users and visitors into account as much as we can, but sometimes compromises must be made.

We are currently focusing on importing earlier registered members into our new system. We have already imported thousands of users, I can see Elden being of them. Due to the amount of registrations we have in our database, we had to split up the import into several steps. We apologize if you have had a negative experience with this element, the full import will hopefully be accomplished shortly. On our previous site, we did not have a password for the login, nor is it the same password as you are using to the forum (the website and the forum are two different platforms). For our new site, previous registered users have to request a new password. This is for the user's own safety. All the information about the user's machine model etc. will be imported.

Quote from: RobinW on March 01, 2017, 08:54:36 PM
I have been through the process (which eventually worked!) to register and watched the video.
RobinW, did any errors occur upon your registration? If so, I am happy to get feedback of your experience and hopefully address the problem.

Once again, thank you all for the feedback you give us.


I tried to log onto the Tormek website last night and was told that my email address didn't exist in their databank.   Hmmmm.   Oh well, I will attempt to re-register today.  Could this be an instance of Northern Abuse ????   Codger discrimination ???   Ma Nature is taking one last kick at the moose.  Supposed to see some minus 35 early next week.   Send money or gifts.   R


From one old codger to another. When you re-register, and it says that you will receive an email to permit registration completion, do not be surprised when clicking on the link within the email, that not a lot seems to happen. I tried several times, I could see the progress bar moving so far to the right, then come to a grinding halt. (suitable pun for Tormek). However, suitably frustrated, on re-entering Tormek's site afresh, I could sign in without problem! There is hope.

Ken S

I remember from my own childhood, and that of my children, unhappy behavior sometimes being attributed to "growing pains." I think that is what we have with the new website. We as a technical society had outgrown the old website. We are experiencing growing pains as we fine tune the new site.

I have had the pleasure of exchanging several emails with Marie. I have never felt ignored by anyone at Tormek. Not all of my requests have materialized at this point. As you all know, I have grumbled about wanting more in depth training vidoes for a long time. I understand that designing and implementing the new website has required the resources of the marketing communications department for quite some time. The new T8, no doubt, required some time as well.

I have heard that facilities for more training videos are in the works. I am quite certain that the bugs in the new website will eventually be worked out. The new T8 video is, in my opinion, Tormek's best general operating video. I would rank it with the DBS-22 video and the woodturning DVD, two of Tormek's best. If the T8 video is typical of forthcoming videos, I look forward with excitement.

Incidentally, when I went through reregistering, I contacted Tormek IT, and was assured that my registration information for warranty purposes was quite secure. As I have always had very positive relations with Tormek IT, I am not concerned.

I have no doubt the bugs will soon be behind us.


ps Welcome to the forum, Marie. I hope you will be a frequent poster.

Herman Trivilino

I was able to log on to the new website and my registration data was automatically imported. No worries.

If you don't want to register to watch the new Holtham video, just go to YouTube, there are plenty of introductory T8 videos there. Some of them are better, in my opinion, than Holtham's. But that's just my opinion. I imagine the Holtham video will be found on YouTube soon, anyway.

As far as registering to be able to get what you want from a company, well, that seems to be the prevalent marketing scheme. It's all "in the cloud" now as a means of harvesting and keeping track of customer and potential customer contact information. It's what most companies are choosing to do in order to stay competitive. A company can make a good product, but if they can't market it successfully they won't be able to afford to continue making it. Imagine what it would be like for us if Tormek went out of business!
Origin: Big Bang


I'm registered as is my machine but I find no clickable link "Getting started" that will take me to this Holtman video. I did find the T-8 manual though. What am I missing here?

Ken S

If you go to the top right hand corner of the home page on, you will see MY TORMEK. Click on that. You will have a choice of log on or register. In my case, I have not been transferred to the new website, so I needed to reregister. Now I just log on. One of the options which appears is film getting started. Click that to reach the videos.

If that doesn't work, post again or try



Finally got it, Ken. The "Getting Started" link was under the MyMachines on the far left of the page. Watched the video and it was fine. Good info for the new owner.


I just tried to log into the new site and my email was not recognized.  It's now been 11 days since Marie posted that they are importing registration information into the new site.

Maybe they have something going on that is causing problems.