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What's a kenjig?

Started by refugio, January 03, 2016, 06:46:37 PM

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Ken S


You are quite correct. The name "kenjig" was never my intention. I originally called it
KS-150 for Knife Setting tool, 150mm length. (Any resembelence between KS and Ken S was purely coincidental  :)   ) Sweden asked me to change the name, correctly noting that it might be mistaken as an official Tormek product. I understand this, and ran a naming contest on the forum. "Kenjig" was one of two or three entries. It is simple and easily remembered. The winner received a free jig. For the record, I have given away perhaps a dozen of the jigs. The only ledger items would be postal expenses which I paid. I have never made any money on Tormek items.

Anyone reading any of my posts of emails referring to the kenjig concept would see that I have always clearly stated that it is based on your writing and that the reader should download and print your work. Before I read your work, my chisel and plane blade application was based on trial and error. It worked, but lacked your mathematical precision.

I think it is proper that the name of the tool reflect the rightful inventor. I will happily endorse whatever name you choose.



Quote from: Ken S on November 23, 2017, 01:36:11 PM
I think it is proper that the name of the tool reflect the rightful inventor. I will happily endorse whatever name you choose.
The name of YOUR Kenjig is not my point. However, someone asks what that tool is, and then it seems logical to me that the principle concept is explained first, before considering the realisation as a tool. ;)

By the way, how long is someone considered to be a 'newbie'. Is that e.g. related to the number of words in his  posts or on the value of his contributions?  8)


Quote from: Dutchman on November 23, 2017, 02:53:02 PM
By the way, how long is someone considered to be a 'newbie'. Is that e.g. related to the number of words in his  posts or on the value of his contributions?  8)

If it were "value of contributions"... you would already be a "hero member".   ;)

(Unfortunately, it's based on the number of posts).  ???
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Ken S


I think it is Dutchman's hat !  Carrying off that look these days makes one my hero !

Rich Colvin - a reference guide for sharpening

You are born weak & frail, and you die weak & frail.  What you do between those is up to you.


Quote from: Ken S on November 23, 2017, 01:36:11 PM

You are quite correct. The name "kenjig" was never my intention. I originally called it
KS-150 for Knife Setting tool, 150mm length. (Any resembelence between KS and Ken S was purelu coincidental  :)   ) Sweden asked me to change the name, correctly noting that it might be mistaken as an official Tormek product. I understand this, and ran a naming contest on the forum. "Kenjig" was one of two or three entries. It is simple and easily remembered. The winner received a free jig. For the record, I have given away perhaps a dozen of the jigs. The only ledger items would be postal expenses which I paid. I have never made any money on Tormek items.

Anyone reading any of my posts of emails referring to the kenjig concept would see that I have always clearly stated that it is based on your writing and that the reader should download and print your work. Before I read your work, my chisel and plane blade application was based on trial and error. It worked, but lacked your mathematical precision.

I think it is proper that the name of the tool reflect the rightful inventor. I will happily endorse whatever name you choose.


My suggestion in the naming contest on the forum was "Kenda jig" where the syllable "da" was phonetic reminder of Dutchman's tables.



I was the winner of the naming contest, as I though based on Ken's plans, it was appropriate.
That doesn't make the science behind it of any less value.

Newbie, in the forums software (used on LOTS of forums) is based SOLELY on POST COUNT. 
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S

By the way, SADW, what are your thoughts after using the kenjig? Please be honest. I have given away perhaps a dozen or twenty, and have never received any feedback. I do know that they are popular among sharpeners in the Czech Republic, due to Jan. Jan understands the math behind the jig far more deeply than I do.

I have worked with Dutchman's work enough to realize that his concept is not limited to knives or to just a 139mm projection. I have always thought the concept would be ideally suited for carving tools. It would need several jigs, perhaps one for each tool. These would be easily and quickly made and would make set up and sharpening very fast and repeatable. I routinely use Dutchman's concept with chisels and plane blades.



To be honest, I never tried it.  As they are not my knives, but those from my friends restaurant, I wasn't willing to screw them up.  I knew if I screwed things up with the Tormek way, it would be due to an off angle (not measuring each knife individually) and I could correct that.

I do need to find where I put it all, as my shop went into a state of confusion in a re arrranging while I am changing its location.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)


Quote from: Ken S on November 24, 2017, 03:06:09 PM
By the way, SADW, what are your thoughts after using the kenjig? Please be honest. I have given away perhaps a dozen or twenty, and have never received any feedback. I do know that they are popular among sharpeners in the Czech Republic, due to Jan. Jan understands the math behind the jig far more deeply than I do.


Ken, you are correct, the kenjig concept fell on a fertile soil here. One guy made plywood jig for mounting the knife with the projection length 139 mm and at same time setting the knife tip according to my setting template. See the first two attached images.

Even more attention awoke my modification of the TTS-100 jig for knives.
The third attached image shows new implementation of the idea.


Ken S

Excellent, Jan. Your reply came in while I was typing.


Ken S

The first draft of this was lost.

SADW, I appreciate your honest reply. I suspect most of the jigs I have given away have never been used. It is a set up tool. You do not even need to grind to see how it works.Try it; you might like it.  :)



Quote from: Jan on November 24, 2017, 04:55:10 PM
Ken, you are correct, the kenjig concept fell on a fertile soil here. One guy made plywood jig for mounting the knife with the projection length 139 mm and at same time setting the knife tip according to my setting template. See the first two attached images.

Even more attention awoke my modification of the TTS-100 jig for knives.
The third attached image shows new implementation of the idea.


Maybe I'm missing something here... but the modifications, especially that third picture, seems like an awful lot of work on something that will change when the wheel size changes?  Is it adjustable somehow, or am I not looking at it right?  (Also, is there two for the two different size machines)?

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CB, the point is that the angle setting using Tormek TTS-100 and also using my modification for knives is independent on stone diameter!  ;)



Quote from: Jan on November 24, 2017, 08:08:09 PM
CB, the point is that the angle setting using Tormek TTS-100 and also using my modification for knives is independent on stone diameter!  ;)


Ah... I had to think about it, but I think I got it.  Not having a TTS-100, I had to look at the book and think about it.

I thought the TTS-100 kept the same distance from USB to stone like the Kenjig... but am I right that it actually changes the distance based on stone size?

Knife Sharpening Angle Calculator:
Calcapp Calculator-works on any platform.
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