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new owner - couple of questions

Started by davo50, October 30, 2013, 04:48:45 PM

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Hi All,

Glad I found this site.  My new T7 arrived yesterday and while unpacking it, a small chip of broken plastic fell out of the unit.  Turns out, it's a small piece about the size of a quarter broken off of the plastic housing located right behind the grinding wheel.  Nothing I think that will affect performance and not a big enough problem to return the unit I hope.  If I were to ask for a new part sent from Tormek, I am not sure I would be able to get in there to replace it.

My main question is this:  While looking for the broken area I noticed that the whole motor is slightly "loose" or has a small amount of back and forth movement when pressing with my hand.  Is this normal for these units?  Anything I need to worry about? 



I just got my T-7 yesterday as well. My motor has a little bit of movement also. I think its normal since the motor output shaft is a friction drive against a rubber wheel.


Thanks 65, kinda thought that might be the case...

Herman Trivilino

The motor should have a lot of movement, but only in the plane of rotation.  You should be able to swing the drive shaft up so it no longer contacts the drive wheel.

As to the broken chip, that's not cool.  Tormek is marketed as a high-quality tool so you definitely want to make them aware of this defect.
Origin: Big Bang


Without seeing a picture of the broken plastic part, then it's difficult to say from where it came.

If it is like a coin, is it part of the bush which holds the main shaft? If so this is a problem as the bush will break up or spacing to the washer behind the wheel is incorrect. Changing the bush should not be difficult.

If you want more advice, then post a picture and see if its original location can be resolved. Otherwise I would suggest you take the machine back.


Are you sure the plastic bit isn't one of the magnetic feet that tilt the machine? Could have just fallen off the chassis of the machine during shipping.


Do the new Tormeks, still have that plastic, throwaway piece, where the wheel goes?  (wondering if it is that)
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)


Contact Tormek support and they will give you the answer directly  ;)
Send a picture of the bit!



Have not checked back here for a couple of days.  I'll try to get a pic in the morning.  It's  a "chip" from the plastic housing covering a part of the motor.