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When to replace stone?

Started by Brad I, May 04, 2013, 09:57:31 PM

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You could rig up a cleverly plumbed apparatus that drips water from the top at a constant rate. Of course it would have to be a lot of water to clear the debris from the wheel. A fire mans hose perhaps

Could get a little messy!
Best.    Rob.


It depends on how you value your time/profit/fun. 

If it is a hobby/fun, do whatever you want. 

If it is a business, change the wheel, then you can spend your time making more money.  I doubt the time spent getting the little extra to work will save you any money in the long run.  Also, if you use a new stone, the old stone can be an emergency spare - which is something useful in business.  You don't want to wait until one day the stone gets too small and have down time.


I correct myself.  If it is a hobby, you have to decide whether your hobby is learning the right technique for a good grind.  This is hard to do with a ministone that does not reach the trough.  Or do you want to spend the time learning to grind.  Or do you want to spend time using a sharp knife/whatever.  For me, it is a combination of the last two.

Ken S

No one has mentioned the surface feet per minute difference with the smaller diameter wheel.  Besides having a more pronounced hollow grind, the smaller (worn down) wheel would cut more slowly due to the reduced surface feet per minute.  That may or may not be a problem for you.



This is way after the fact for this post but could be of use for others. In my life I have discovered that in all things you are able to use less of the amount alloted to you. You can never use what was never there. In short, buy more than you need and use what you need of that. If you need more it is alreadyl there. 
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.

Brad I

Quote from: jeffs55 on May 08, 2013, 07:59:09 AM
This is way after the fact for this post but could be of use for others. In my life I have discovered that in all things you are able to use less of the amount alloted to you. You can never use what was never there. In short, buy more than you need and use what you need of that. If you need more it is alreadyl there.

Jeff, if I understand you, that's the way my wife thinks.  I am the opposite.  I tend to run things into the ground. She will buy 5 of everything, which leads to clutter.  I tend to say "we have 2 rolls of toilet paper, no need to buy the case of TP that is on sale." Which leads to  :o

Even she says I should get a new stone.   Haha