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New SVM-00 Small Knife Jig

Started by grepper, March 20, 2013, 09:59:08 PM

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I sincerely doubt there would be legal issues....this is free trade we're talking of all nations should know that. I appreciate its a big commitment and a lot of risk. It's not for everyone. It's a durn good idea though.

Ironically Herman you hit the nail on the head when you said the word "only". The best ideas are usually the simplest.
Best.    Rob.

Ken S

I believe one of the first legal issues would be the patent which Tormek holds on the Torlock mechanism.

The jigs are certainly good ideas.  I doubt if they would be commercially viable, patent or no patent.


Herman Trivilino

It was a joint effort.  Without the contributions of many of us that jig would not exist.

I don't know if we could bypass the patent rights by having the jig ride piggy back on the existing scissors base or tool rest jigs.

Personally, I would be willing to participate in field studies of jig prototypes with Tormek for free. All I'd get out of it is the free jigs and the recognition.

This is a hobby for me, not a profession.

I suppose if I had more ambition I'd have a better chance of getting rich, but I doubt it. I don't think this is a patentable invention.  I could be wrong.

Plus, if it's such a good idea why am I the only one using it?
Origin: Big Bang


You wouldn't need to infringe any Tormek patents.  In fact if the jig required the torlok or scissor base then you're helping Tormek because your jig will leverage their unit sales.

Interesting logic that you don't think there's a market for this jig yet Tormek clearly do!  You don't think it's patentable, yet Tormek clearly do!

Now...actually putting the effort into doing it is a different issue of course....hard work, lots of risk etc

But the logic stacks up.....Tormek have validated the market requirement by doing it
Best.    Rob.


I still think it would be courteous of Tormek corporate to acknowledge the ideas kicked around by this forum (I mean you long timers, I'm not referring to myself).

Your ideas are good value.  The trouble with many people in life is they don't believe their idea could possibly be a commercial hit.....poppycock in my view......many of the best inventions came from accidents (3m stickies for one), or people messing about in their shed

Give yourselves credit....there was some excellent creativity in those discussions.
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

Quote from: grepper on March 20, 2013, 10:33:27 PM
I can't find anything about it's cost or availability.

I just now got an email from Advanced Machinery/Sharp Tools USA.  They have the SVM-00 for $32.
Origin: Big Bang

Herman Trivilino

Quote from: grepper on March 20, 2013, 10:33:27 PM
I don't think it handles the offset of a multi blade pocket knife.  Not that I could tell from watching the video or reading the PDF.

I think it does handle that offset.  25 seconds into the video they line up the knife straight in the holder "using a table top".  It appears that the table-top line-up assures that the blade is in the same plane as the center of the jig.  It's not clear from the video just what it is you adjust on the jig to get the blade to line up, so maybe I'm wrong.
Origin: Big Bang


That's pretty good value.....$32....... Hard to resist at that price
Best.    Rob.

Ken S

I noticed the video did not include sharpening a machete with the SVM-00 like Herman did. I can see different uses for each jig.



Having tried neither of them, just based on intuition and perceived ease of use I've got to be honest and say I would buy Hermans.
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

I can't see any circumstances under which I would buy the SVM-00.  Of course if I had it I would try it, but I would be surprised if I found it useful.  It can't do knife tips as well, and it's harder to set up because you still have to go through the process of setting up the SVM-45.
Origin: Big Bang


Exactly. That was the point I was making in an earlier post about the best ideas being the simplest. There's minimal setup time, no messing around with clamps.  All you need is the angle setup and away you go
Best.    Rob.


Let's see how long it is before it is before Tormek comes out with something along the Ionut-Herman line. I am sure they will try to dress it up a little, if they do. Not saying what has been done is crude, far from it!

The fact that it can handle all lengths of knives with minimal set up and change from one to another is impressive.

Maybe a little more learning curve? Not sure as I haven't tried mine out yet. The weather isn't very conducive for being outside today. Monday? We'll see...


It's snowing here....meant to be Spring!

It's 1deg outside and when I took those Torlok pics today it was +3 I'm my workshop....ouch
Best.    Rob.


To go a little further with the thought I posted in my last post above.  If Tormek doesn't pursue the Ionut-Herman jig very quickly or doesn't at all, let's see how long it is before Jet or one of the other copycats does.