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Stone Grader SP-650

Started by Darryl J, December 31, 2010, 01:29:59 AM

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I would add that if you don't see a difference probably your tie is not tight enough. I tied mine as tight just to allow the head to move and  when I did that the TT-50 was mounted on the Universal Support.



It seems to me that there should be a way to upload pictures using the built in insert Image option but I have seen others that have the option but don't work.

Other forums that I have seen the members use sites like to upload photos then insert the link
You can never have enough tools!

Ken S

As a thirty five year telephone installer/repair technician, I placed thousands of these cable ties.  Might I suggest that if the head of the tie is moved up to the close edge of the jig as shown in the photo that two bends would be eliminated from the tie.  That would make taughtness more controllable.  The end should also be clipped off.  Also, I filed the rough clipped edge on the tie I placed on my jig based on Ionut's idea.


Ken S

Quote from: ionut on January 27, 2011, 02:20:19 AM
Quote from: Steve Brown on January 27, 2011, 01:14:09 AM
I live in Colorado, I don't think I'll be seeing you boys anytime soon. That's funny, I didn't realie they had electricity in Canada.

You are right we don't. I had to take my bike apart and adapt the pedals on the Tormek in order to make it work but now I realized that's also the reason why I always end with the perfect edge on my tools.


Ionut, should you ever decide to become a traveling sharpener on your bicycle and end up un the land just down under (USA) with bicycle trouble, you would find your Tormek would plug into our standard receptacles and work just as well as back home.  Finding a bicycle repairman in this country who both can read the French Canadian of your bicycle repair book and has metric tools might be more difficult.

Actually, both Canada and the US were very early in adopting electrical power standards (60 cycle).  In contrast Great Britain has around twenty different "standards" for electrical power.  Pretty advanced for two frontier countries!


Jeff Farris

Quote from: tooljunkie on January 27, 2011, 10:48:17 PM
It seems to me that there should be a way to upload pictures using the built in insert Image option but I have seen others that have the option but don't work.

Other forums that I have seen the members use sites like to upload photos then insert the link

You can. Any image that resides on a photo hosting site can be inserted into a thread.
Jeff Farris


Yes & it seems to be what most forums use.
You can never have enough tools!

Steve Brown

Thanks Jeff,
That was a very helpful explanation of how the 220 stone works in relation to grading.

Ken S

Steve Brown

How long do you need to keep the stone grader on the wheel?

Jeff Farris

Like I said, it isn't time, it isn't look, it is feel. Keep the grader on the stone until it feels right.

That said, 45 seconds is low average.
Jeff Farris

Steve Brown

Thanks Jeff,
That's what I needed, some baseline so I can get started. This way I'll be able to develop the feel for myself.

Jeff Farris

While we have this marathon thread on the stone grader going, let me just write briefly about something that you may not have considered with the stone grader. Tormek talks mostly about fast cutting and fine cutting -- approximately 220 grit and 1000 grit respectively -- but once you become familiar with the stone and the feel of the stone and its cutting properties, you can make the stone cut at pretty much any rate you want between 220 and 1000. Some tools need just a little more tooth than the 1000 grit leaves -- so just don't go all the way to "glass smooth". Another example would be a very thin tool that needs a significant amount of material removed. A fully graded 220 surface would be too aggressive, but if you use the smooth side of the grader for 15 or 20 seconds, you'll tone down the speed of the cut a little.
Jeff Farris

Steve Brown

Interesting. So you can, in theory, go from 220 to 500 or 750 or what ever you need shy of 1000 as required? And by feel, do you mean the feel of the steel on the wheel while you're grinding, or do you mean the feel of the wheel on your fingers as you're grading?

Jeff Farris

Feel of the grindstone surface. I do also recognize and pay attention to the vibration in the tool while grinding and the sound of the cutting action, but touching the grindstone surface tells me the most about what the stone is about to do.
Jeff Farris

Darryl J

I never thought that asking what I thought was a dumb question would generate so many different and varied replies.  This just goes to show us that there is a lot of inteesting information out there in "Tormek land" - i'm glad that I joined the forum :)