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Backwards compatibility - T7 and 2000s of various age

Started by Super7, May 18, 2009, 03:53:28 PM

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I was wondering what the current family of attachments for the T7 work with various Supergrind 2000s.

I assume that since the newer SG2000s are so close to the T7 that just about all the accessories interchange.

Mine is about 7 years old (bought it in 2002).  Will any of the current attachments and jigs not work with it?

What about SG2000s from the 80s or 90s?


Jeff Farris

Everything is designed to be backwards compatible with any motorized Tormek.  Some of the very earliest models powered by a hand drill have some compatibility issues. 

That said, some of the newest accessories work best with the latest version of the Universal Support (the bar the jigs ride on).  The newest US-105 has micro-adjustment (threaded leg) and a calibrated thumbwheel, and it has been drilled and tapped to accept the stop for the new SE-76 Square Edge Jig.  The new US-105 is almost essential to using the new TT-50 Truing Tool.  It is possible to use the TT-50 on the older US-105 without micro-adjustment, but it is difficult to control the depth of cut.

I would also highly recommend updating your horizontal base.  The early versions of the horizontal base were an aluminum extrusion. The very earliest had a lock on one leg only.  Now the horizontal base is cast and precision machined, and has locks on both legs.

The new US-105 and the new XB-100, as well as all system improvements can be purchased in the United States from or from your country's Tormek importer.
Jeff Farris