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Tormek SA-250/240

Started by lerkleiv, October 30, 2021, 07:23:49 PM

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Hi, saw this one for sale. Do anyone know what size stone it uses. Would assume 250 mm, but cannot find this model number anywhere.


Just a guess, but the "SA-250/240 seems like a dead giveaway.  Due to use, the wheel is likely not that large, but by the model number, I suspect it started out so. 

One sure way to find out is to email Tormek support. 

Quality is like buying oats.  If you want nice, clean, fresh oats, you must pay a fair price. However, if you can be satisfied with oats that have already been through the horse, that comes at a lower price.

Ken S

Welcome to the forum, Andre.

I couldn't find an exact model number for that machine. It is a very old Tormek which predates the use of serial numbers. The 250 is for the diameter of the grinding wheel, 250mm. I believe the 240 is for the diameter of the deburring/honing wheel. Years ago, Tormek made an abrasive deburring wheel in 240mm diameter.
The grinding wheel may be one of the original natural sandstones used by Tormek.

If you happen to be a Tormek collector, this would be a fine addition to your collection.If; however, you are looking for a bargain in a user machine, I would suggest you look for a newer model. This model predates the sleeves and the universal support bar, the heart of the Tormek system. You really should email your photos to support ( The support staff have an extensive and practical knowledge of early Tormek machines.
I can tell you from personal experience that support is very helpful.

Please keep us posted.



Hi, thanks for the information. Just found a brand new Tormek System 2006 (model 2000) for next to nothing. VHS cassette included  ;D
With stainless steel axle and micro adjustment. Will try this one until I can get hold of a useable T-8