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Stone Grader and the T-4... watch the pressure... and follow instructions...

Started by cbwx34, October 29, 2017, 06:50:38 PM

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This morning I was grading the stone on the T-4 "fine"... and as is often mentioned here "use plenty of pressure".  I was using just enough pressure that the motor/rotation was starting to slow... when the wheel essentially "grabbed onto" the grading stone, and flipped the T-4 right onto its side.   :o

Made a mess... but no real harm done.

Went back and watched the training video...  apparently the step of "rest your hands on the USB" is an important one!  ::)  Lesson learned!

So, thought I'd mention it... never thought this was possible... maybe easier with the smaller/lighter machine.  (Instruction details are important haha).  :-[
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Thanks - as a new user I watched all the videos including that one but seem to have overlooked that fine point!

Ken S

Going from memory (not always a dependable source), I recall the "really lean on it" recommendation as comng from Jeff Farris. I also recall Jeff as saying that the Tormek was versatile enough to be used with a strong touch or by someone with limited hand strength. My question is, could the same amount of stone grading be achieved using less pressure for longer time as by mighty pressure for a shorter time?
