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NEW Tormek website (beta)

Started by Ken S, July 08, 2016, 02:14:33 PM

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Ken S

Point well taken, Rolf. To a beginning computerite like me, it looks different, although you are correct. Clever of the Tormek design team to realize that the world is simultaneously moving to giant televisions and miniscule computer screens. I can see the logic in that, although this Neanderthal is quite comfortable with an ipad for both typing and watching movies. :)




it always depends on what a website is good for. My wife and I we have a website about traveling (some woodworking too) and therefore we work with relaitvely large pictures. It makes not that much sense to look at these pictures on an small display but nevertheless I consider to switch to a newer technology. Might work as an appetizer for visitors - a first glance on a smartphone, the real thing lateron on a larger screen.

I'm courious how Tormek will solve these issues, Maybe one can learn from their solution.

German with a second home in the American Southwestern Desert - loves Old England too.


I appreciate Karin and the other Tormek employee's asking for input.

I, like Ken, must be a Galoot or a Luddite. No smart phone (prepaid, cost me $50 this year), because I don't feel like paying for internet access twice every month.  (and one of them on a tiny device)
Unlike Ken, I don't have any tablet, as I prefer a keyboard, and netbook style computers work better for me (some you can now use as a tablet).
I wonder if the Events thing, could be made into a button, and on that button it would show the most current upcoming event?  Then below that one could have a forum button.
I will slightly disagree with Ken, because the T7 stopped being the current model in late June, early July and the T8's are still filtering in (stock of the T7 is probably greater currently).  So to drop it, as a consumer would give me fear that I paid close to retail for what?
I think a lot of us would love to buy a second one, for another stone.  Personally, I still argue with myself about a T8, verses a T4, and getting another stone for my 2000.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S


Website designers have a tough crowd to please today! We have "the kids", some of them not so young, using phones of different sizes; the traditionalists who prefer a larger screen and a real keyboard, the in betweeners who use tablets; and the combinationists who use a variety. What's a poor designer to do?

Both the current and beta websites have a tab for high resolution photos.


In my case, for years our only computer was one pc which later became an imac. We are probably the only household in the US with only one television set. I bought an ipad to work with my grandson. As the grandchildren have gotton older, we have added more ipads and I replaced my photo darkroom with a Macbook (laptop). I generally do my forum work on the ipad because I have to compete with the rest of the family for the imac. If you are wondering who has the other non smart phone in the world, it's me.

The new events tab looks lean because it has not yet been populated. I'm sure the final version will have a more complete events listing.

Regarding the T7: I will be surprised if the new website is up and running much before the end of the year. The T7 was put on clearance in February. If the T7 is listed as a current model when the new website is up, I don't expect it to be listed that way for long. It is still a Tormek Flagship quality product; it just is no longer the current flagship. Either way, the new website should note that the T7 was the flagship state of the Tormek art for eight years and still a strong performer.

You have a difficult choice. I still believe what I have said before, that there is no bad choice. Your present jigs will work with any model. By now you are not panicked by a little spilled water. If you have plenty of space and do not move your Tormek much, I might lean toward the T8, which represents the newest in Tormek technology. If you move your Tormek around, the T4 is ideal. And, you won't go wrong with just a new grindstone. Tough call.



Quote from: Ken S on July 12, 2016, 07:33:41 PM
What's a poor designer to do?

Try to be not everybodies darling. 3F - form follows function - is still the key to successful designs.

On our website we do not provide solutions for small devices. Nevertheless people like espectially the large pictures. Therefore I'm not sure how to proceed in the future.

German with a second home in the American Southwestern Desert - loves Old England too.

Ken S

I especially like the frequently asked questions reached from the contact tab on the new beta. The questions are relevant and the answers honest and direct. When the question is asked about sharpening salon shears with a Tormek and the answer is no, I call that honest. When the question is asked about the numbers on the microadjust and the answer is .25mm or .01", I call that direct.

Well done, Tormek.


Ken S

I took another path to the forum for this post. I was exploring the blog portion of the new beta website. I like the way the former news archive tab has been expanded to include the latest developments. I was impressed when I clicked on the earliest item, the inclusion to handle cutters for the gouge jig. The read more click really offered a lot more interesting material, including several videos and info including the new SVD-186. Nice job!

I hope the final version will extend the blog back to the original Tormek and innovations such as the universal support.

Page four, the last page of the blog, had a nicely done link to the forum. That struck me as very well done functional design. The graphic captured the idea of a forum very well, and, placing it at the end of the blog targeted viewers who were curious enough to read the blog.

Well done!


Ken S

I like what I call the multilayer approach of the website. We had this before, and I am pleased to see it continue. As an example, if I click on jigs>SVm-45 Knife Jig, I can quickly read the essentials and watch the video. I can easily click on more information.

I am puzzled why I can not increase the size of the photos, drawings or text with my ipad. Is this possible,; am I doing something wrong; or, is this "baked in the cake"? (The magnification feature works on the current website.)



According to my knowledge the production of T-7 ended sometime in mid April. After this date Tormek started to get ready of the production of T-8.
Just imagine, some dealers might still have 10+ T-7s on stock. It's a good thing if potential customers can visit the website of the manufacturer and find useful information there before purchasing.
As far I know the T-3 was also listed as an available model one and half year after the release of the T-4. I expect the same from T-7 for the same reason. This is perfectly logical for marketing point of view.

As for the new website, I like it. Especially the FAQ and #Tormek images is a nice touch.
However some information is now harder to find. For example the already mentioned forum and warranty information.
What I always missed from Tormek is a list of upcoming exhibitions. Not just for the ones organized by Tormek HQ but also organized by individual distributors. Sometimes there is info on Tormek's facebook page about exhibitions but usually too late to visit these. What I'm thinking is a calendar. The marketing department could ask the distributors every January to provide the necessary information for the year, and upload it in the calendar.

Ken S

Good comments, Inuwashi.

I do not know exactly when production stopped with the T7. I would guess sometime last year, as they were priced for clearance early in February. I think the reduced clearance price may still be in force, however, pricing seems spotty. Especially in light of the fact that the T8 includes the new SE-77 Square Edge jig, as well as the other updated features, in my opinion, the T8 represents a better value for new purchase. (Others may disagree).

Keep in mind that the new website will probably not be up until late in the year at best.

The events are not yet populated at this point becauuse the beta is just a beta. Tormek does plan to include them. I am not sure how complete the listing will be; I hope it is very complete. For many, an event is the only opportunity to actually see and handle a Tormek. I like your calendar idea.

I like the FAQ and the hi res images, also. The hi res images are actually available on the present website, but are not obvious. I will check into the warranty information. I agree, it should be easily accessible. It is outstanding, and I am certain Tormek would not want to miss an opportunity to utilize it as a sales tool.

Scandinavia is on the long summer holiday until August 8. (Too bad this tradition didn't come across the Atlantic with the immigrants!) I encourage everyone to post website thoughts, which I am sure Sweden will study after August 8. We are most fortunate to have Karin Jansson interested in our comments. In addition to being in charge of the website project project, Karin happens to be the daughter of the inventor and founder, Torgny Jansson. She also is the company owner. We have a fine ally!
