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TT-50's use with SB250 Blackstone Silicon Grindstone

Started by trclary, October 22, 2013, 01:18:41 AM

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I recently tried to true my SB250 Blackstone Silicon Grindstone with the TT-50.  The result was that the stone very quickly ground the diamond tip away.

Am I supposed to be able to use the TT-50 to true the SB250?

Any suggestions are appreciated.



Herman Trivilino

I'm surprised that someone with SB-250 experience hasn't responded.

I've never used one, but it seems the truing tool would have to work, otherwise how would you true up the wheel.  Wheel truing is required maintenance. 
Origin: Big Bang



Thanks for encouraging a response.  In the meantime I have ordered a replacement tip.


Jeff Farris

Are you sure your tip is gone? The tip is made of bronze and wears away to expose more of the diamond chips. It has diamond material in it all the way to the holder. About the only time I've seen a tip gone, it was cut off by a customer trying to take too deep a cut.

To answer the question directly, yes, the TT-50 works with the SB stone.
Jeff Farris


Yes the bronze tip is worn down to the holder.  I should get the replacement tip in a few days and will try again.  I am now beginning to wonder if the original tip was defective.  I have some pictures but am unfamiliar with how to upload them to this board.  I see the insert image but have not figured out how to do so.


Herman Trivilino

I'm sure you'll have better luck with the new tip.  You have to upload your pictures to a host like photobucket, then you can insert them as images.

Origin: Big Bang