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food safe honing compound

Started by akgourmet, December 05, 2009, 09:44:57 PM

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I just got my T-7 two weeks ago and have already sharpened over 50 kitchen and hunting knives on it.  I sharpen knives as a side business to my kitchenware store.  I was wondering if the honing compound that comes with the tormek is food safe?  If not, if there something else I could use that is?  Toothpaste crossed my mind, but I don't know what that would do to the leather.

Jeff Farris

I'll try to get some information for you.
Jeff Farris


Well Jeff what is the word on food safety?

I would think that once the knife is washed with hot soapy water there would be no safety issue regarding food. 

But I am curious about this one. 

BTW love my tormek, have been using it since 1999 and just got into woodturning and love the TNT system.  Great stuff.


Life is good! Enjoy it.

Jeff Farris

Here's the msds:

I have always worked on the assumption that a good hot soapy wash was sufficient.
Jeff Farris


I know I'm no expert, but I've done my time in fast food joints and U.S. Navy galleys.  Like Jeff said, soapy water should be enough, even a bit of bleach mix should be adequate.
Thanks to Tormek, I now have a sharp tongue!!