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Uneven grinding of plane iron

Started by chamfer, November 02, 2008, 10:25:55 PM

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I just noticed that when grinding plane irons, the bevel ends up being uneven & the end of the iron ends up being out of square. Apart from the following that i have already checked on, can suggest anything else?
The only way i have been able to get over the problem so far is by spending longer on the longest part of the unevenness of the iron to compensate

  • Checked knobs  on the Square Edge Jig are screwed evenly
  • Made sure the iron butts up to the edge of the jig
  • Exerted even pressure with fingers on the plane iron during grinding
  • Trued the stone
  • Checked the iron itself for any twists
  • Used a spare square Edge Jig
  • Used a marker to high light the grind

Thanks In Advance


Jeff Farris

Any tool that is so wide that part of the tool leaves the grindstone while grinding will require special attention.  As the tool leaves the grindstone, part of the tool is being cut and part is not.  If your side-to-side stroke just barely gets the edges off the grindstone, you will very likely create a concavity, as the center of the iron never gets off the stone, while the edges do.  If your stroke is consistently longer on one side than the other, you will grind your iron out of square, regardless of its alignment in the jig, the parallelism of the grindstone and the Universal Support or any other conditions that affect square grinds.

You have already discovered the cure, which is to carefully check the tool while you're grinding and focus your grinding effort on the section of the tool that has been underground.  This must be done diligently on wider blades.
Jeff Farris