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another online pricing complaint

Started by Ken S, September 02, 2017, 02:48:02 PM

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Ken S

I hate to return to this subject, however, I just found a new ebay "free shipping" listing for an SJ-250, where the seller jacked up the price $167. They also added the dubious "NO TAXES" in the ad.

Tormek has a reputation for being expensive. I have no problem paying a legitimate price for quality, however, I do not find this kind of price inflating an acceptable practice. I do not like to see gullible new users deceived into high prices.



Caveat emptor. This is 2017, if there are any people out there that fall for these "suggestions" then Darwins Law prevails. That is, only the strong or those able to adapt survive. In short, if you are even the remotest computer savvy; you should know how to "shop around". In the meantime, you are correct in urging common sense when purchasing anything on line. Whether is be a Tormek stone or a pound of salt.
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.

Ken S


Sadly I must agree with you. I have been very fortunate with places to shop. My favorite camera store, part of a small general store in Walnut Creek, Ohio, was a real gem. The parking lot had buggy parking for the local Amish customers. Inside in a corner, the photo department was a full service Nikon dealer. The owner was both honest and knowledgeable. Sadly, the store recently closed.

I have been blessed with three outstanding and honest Tormek dealers. Steve Bottorff, Hartville Hardware, and Keim Lumber. A Tormeker would be fortunate to have any one of these three.

I have purchased a few Tormek items online, mostly used duplicates for modification. Jeff is quite correct, one has to be careful buying online.

I like to see new Tormekers get off to a happy start.



Ken, can you recommend a suggested source of supply? PM me if necessary.



I've had good luck with SharpToolsUSA, which is now a part of Advanced Machinery.  Since the merger (or maybe an acquisition ?), I've bought from Advanced Machinery also, & they too are quite good.

I like that they will sell what you want.  If you want the SB stone instead of the SG stone, they will make that happen.

Kind regards,

Rich Colvin - a reference guide for sharpening

You are born weak & frail, and you die weak & frail.  What you do between those is up to you.

Ken S


I'm reluctant to show partiality, however, I agree with Rich. Advanced has carried on the spare parts business they acquired with Sharptoolsusa. Advance has always treated me right.

For most of my adult life, I lived near Hartville, Ohio. I have only the highest comments for Hartville Hardware, where I purchased most of my Tormek kit.

My advice would be to check prices at these two places before buying anywhere. Incidentally, in my book, "free shipping" means paying no more than list price including shipping. An inflated price might be shipping included, but it is certainly not free.

Don't patronize the price gougers.



I purchased my T8 from Sharpening Supplies (their main link).  Link to the Tormek section is here.  I've also purchased an number of grindstones and accessories from them.  Excellent service and speedy shipment. 

I have also purchased parts from Advanced Machinery.  Also very excellent service and speedy shipment.  I think Advanced is a small company as I get the same gal when I call (and she remembers me!) and "Wolfgang", who is a forum member, has personally sent emails on many questions.  His staff and company are excellent. 

I have also purchased items from Steve Bottorff, including his Sharpening Made Easy book and DVD.

I have also purchased retail from two woodcrafters supply stores in Portland, OR and from Rockler, both online and a retail store in Portland. 

Every one has been excellent and I have had no complaints about any of them. 

Quality is like buying oats.  If you want nice, clean, fresh oats, you must pay a fair price. However, if you can be satisfied with oats that have already been through the horse, that comes at a lower price.


Using the Resellers link on the Tormek website, I was surprised to find that there was a local reseller here in Anchorage. He sold me a T-8 without added shipping charges, so you might try checking to see if there is a reseller near to you. Here is the link for US resellers:
