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Old Tormek ST250 need advice on new jigs etc.

Started by Bert, November 04, 2016, 01:09:33 PM

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I am new to this forum. I have inherited a ST250 machine with no accessories. I only have the L bracket over the wheel. I  am a new wood turner and would like to use this machine for my sharpening needs on all my turning tools, planning and joiner knives and some miscellaneous items as well. I need some guidance as to which, if any, of the currently produced jigs etc. will fit my machine. I do not want to invest a lot of money only to find the new jigs are not compatible with my machine. If the new accessories will not work on my machine, then are there any sources that may have the old ST250 accessories or accessories that may work on the ST250, available? I've tried EBay, Craigslist, Tormek web site and several other sources, all to no avail. Thanks in advance for any assistance the forum may render.
Bert Green


You have one of the original machines that is drill powered.  As such, you won't find jigs that were produced for it, as they work off the Support bar, which didn't come out until after the self powered machines. (1984)  Since I know that none of us, regular posters, have this old of machine, we can't tell you if it is wide enough, to install a Universal support bar, for the jigs to reference off of.
You should contact support @ tormek .se  (always separate email so it doesn't get picked up by bots), to see if they can answer your questions, or if your better off just getting a newer machine.  And you might find some answers here:
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S

Welcome to the forum, Bert.

As SADW said, models of that vintage are very rare on the forum. By any chance, do you happen to have the instruction manual? Tormek support in Sweden does not have manuals that old (too bad :( )

SADW is quite correct in recommending you contact support. Support is your best hope of finding someone with personal experience.

The L bracket you mention may actually be compatible with the present jigs. Is it possible to email a photo of it to support?

(If not, we are becoming good at designing work around!)

I am away for the weekend and will check my oldest handbook, which has a parts diagram for your model. It may yields some information about your L bracket. I will know more on Monday.

Best wishes and do keep us posted!


Ken S


Your post can begin a very interesting dialogue. Unfortunately, Torgny Jansson, the inventor of the Tormek, passed away in 2010. However, let's try to think like Tormek designers.

Why would Tormek want to change a working part of its machine? In the case of adding the stone grader, I believe this was a result of switching from natural to man made grinding wheels. For all of the advantages of the man made stone, it was a coarser stone. This is both a blessing and a curse. The coarser stone cuts faster, a plus. It also leaves a less smooth finish, not always so desirable. The stone grader allowed the man made stone to function as both a coarse and fine stone. "Both" stones would have the same diameter and no changeover was necessary.

When the power source was switched from an electric drill to a motor, was this done to use a more efficient power source, or to have the drive wheel driven from the inside, thus clearing the outside of the drive wheel to accommodate a new leather honing wheel?

Without examining the ST-250, this is blind speculation.  However, was the support bar changed to the "universal" support bar to accommodate more jigs, or primarily to work (when reversed) with the leather honing wheel?

Bert, it would be helpful if you could set your Tormek next to a newer (SuperGrind or newer) Tormek, euither with a dealer of forum member. If you post your general location, maybe through the message option you could hook up with a helpful member. That would quickly let you know if your present support bar works with the newer jigs? I'm sure support can tell you this, or, perhaps a member who users an ST-250. (There is at least one other ST-250 user on the forum, and probably several.)

Without being able to see the older support bar, this is blind speculation. I will look at the parts diagram in my oldest handbook to see if that sheds any light on the issue. With Tormek's philosophy of keeping imp rovements compatable with older models, I would not be surprised to see your support bar work with newer jigs.



I went back to Google and did some more searching.  I saw a few ST 250's that recently sold, including one still NIB, across the pond.  From the images I have seen, and the dates from the history page, it evolved.
The originals seemed to have a plane blade/chisel jig, bolted to the machine and on the other side it had a L bolt, that I am guessing the knife jig referenced.  I have seen some images where I didn't see the bolt holes for the chisel jig, and they had mounted the support bar holders and the early generation, non threaded bar.  So what does yours have for those jigs to go off of?  That may be the deciding factor as the expenses I see are this:
The Sleeves (don't know if they are sold individually or in pairs), $27.45 x 2
Universal support bar, $45
Since no way to mount a leather wheel, the SJ stone for fine finish
Do you need a replacement stone yet?  Then the cost of another stone (SG/SB, depending on what your doing)
Truing tool
Whatever jigs you need.
I think when you start adding things to the cart, you may find it might be cheaper to go for a new machine, personally.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)


Ken and other forum responders,
       That is my model EXACTLY. The non-threaded L bolt is the same and the two holes in the opposite end of the top plate are the same. I was hoping not to have to engineer some jigs myself, but in light of the responses to my post, that may be the only solution to my problem. I am willing to "customize" my machine to accommodate accessories. My machine is drill driven, which I do not mind. I have a grinder that I can install a leather honing wheel, so that issue is not of great importance to me.  My stone is a natural stone with very little to no wearing of the surface. It is a fine machine and seems to work well, except for the grinding accessories. I will contact the customer support of Tormek and ascertain if they have a suggestion or solution to this problem.
   Thank you for  your and the other responders assistance.


Welcome Bert,
   Judging from your response, it sounds like you are comfortable with doing some hands on "engineering" modifications. I imagine you could fabricate your own vertical sleeves in order for the Tormek universal support bar to fit your machine. It appears that there would be enough frame space available for it to fit. Some quick measuring would reveal whether that is true or false. You could also fabricate the horizontal base.

Ken S


I am still puzzled about your support bar. If it has the two hole configuration as the present universal support, all the current jigs should work for you without modification. (some better than others due to the natural stone)

Could you post a photo or two of your Tormek showing the support?

What have you heard from support in Sweden? (


If, by chance, you happen to live near Columbus, Ohio, I would love to see your vintage Tormek.


Quote from: Ken S on November 08, 2016, 01:12:23 AM

I am still puzzled about your support bar. If it has the two hole configuration as the present universal support, all the current jigs should work for you without modification. (some better than others due to the natural stone)

Could you post a photo or two of your Tormek showing the support?

What have you heard from support in Sweden? (


If, by chance, you happen to live near Columbus, Ohio, I would love to see your vintage Tormek.

Ken, no it doesn't have the two holes like the Tormek's we know.  Those two holes are for the sleeves.  This is how your thinking and this one has been modified with the sleeves:
insert www dot
Where this one (you might have to pull off the https off the front):  has the two holes that mount the chisel jig.  This one looks like his, NIB from Ebay, UK, ST250 sold by clowncatcher.
He can get the sleeves, the bar and the jigs, but I do not know how to fix the stone for reference purposes.  Since he knows the stone is in good nick and he has the leather wheel figured out, that makes things easier.  I am guilty of thinking he will be like us and by the time he gets everything done, would be better off with a new unit. (or newer used unit)  That isn't true for everyone

EDIT:  When I click modify post I see what I typed.  I am going to try to modify it, lets see below: Nope, doesn't work. Trying another way...
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S

I would probably agree with you if I knew our comment. :)


I am guessing because I put links in it, it might be in some sort of area you can check as a moderator.  (can't imagine the only the quoted section stayed)
So since I think links are being blocked, Google Ebay UK and search completed auctions for ST250  Two recent ones I come across, one has a plate with the sleeves and the horizontal base, mounted to a plate on the machine, while the other is original.
The original has the Chisel jig mounted with the two holes the original poster is discussing.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S


I found the auctions you mentioned. It seems there may be variations in the support bar.

I don't know why posting links doesn't work at times. I was not selected for my computer expertise....



The links issue is most likely a simple security issue.  It prevents commercial links as well as spam.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)