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Topics - Jambe

General Tormek Questions / MultiTool
November 01, 2013, 04:07:24 AM

Is anyone here using the MultiTool?

I plan to buy it and wonder if I should opt for the Jet 1725 ($330-3/4HP) or the Jet 3450 ($240) RPM 8" grinder? Would slower actually be better?  There is also the Porter Cable ($120) variable speed (but it is just 5.0 amp).  Just looking for suggestions.

General Tormek Questions / Bench Height
September 17, 2013, 03:53:26 AM
I haven't received my T7 (with rotating base) yet but I need to build a bench to set it on. I'm 5'-10". What would be an ideal height for the bench?
General Tormek Questions / Directory of Owners
August 11, 2013, 12:00:52 AM

Just registered today, August 10, 2013. Typing August 10 just reminded me that I joined the USAF 53 years ago today!

I'm curious if there is some way to find an owner of a Tormek system near where I live--the top of Utah in Cache Valley/Logan.

I am developing a prototype tool which needs to be sharpened with more precision than I can do with a bench grinder. Either 0.083 or 0.120 mild steel.

I tried to find a spec on the width of the grinding wheel but was unsuccessful--2.25" would be ideal, since that is the width of shaping/sharpening that needs to be done--eight places.

BTW, I think Simple Machines forum software is the best.  :)
