I am the very new owner of a T4 with the straight edge jig. I bought a Tormek because of the company's assertion of being the very best in water cooled sharpening technology. At UK£350 I would hope so!! I have no issue with the overall quality and effectiveness. i'm a happy bunny! EXCEPT when I am sharpening my 2 3/8th plane iron. Water everywhere when the iron is moved over the left off the stone. The water level in the trough is not over full by the way. £350 and I have to pack rags and sponges around the base of the machine to protect my workbench! Why am I ticked off? Because Tormek acknowledged the problem (refer to their manual) and produced a water chute specifically for this problem. But not for the T4!!!!!!! Are T4 users not meant to use Stanley 4 1/2 planes? Since Tormek know that there is an issue I simply cannot understand why they have refused to offer a simple jig solution for the T4 community. Is it lack of interest in us or just arrogance? I don't wish to offend but if Tormek is, as they consistently say, the No.1 company in this field, this unacceptable quality issue must be addressed and quickly. I'll buy the water chute jig. I don't expect something for nothing. I do expect a responsible and professional reaction from a top company. Any and all comments would be appreciated, especially from a Tormek representative.