Thanks, this is very much in line with my thinking.
Another thing that comes to mind is that if you only sharpen using SG wheel then you get to grit 1000 (1100-1200 if you cheat) then you are left with compound paste with 3nm (6000-8000ish grit) and you'd only want to touch the edge with that. Smaller honing wheel helps that perhaps? Using the same jig/USB setup you change the sharpening angle to just touch the edge.
Tormek says no honing when using SJ wheel, but i'd like to go beyond 4000 grit it offers, into 1nm paste (12000 grit territory), so will either make my own or look for 3rd party.
Will check the old discussion, thanks for the link.
Another thing that comes to mind is that if you only sharpen using SG wheel then you get to grit 1000 (1100-1200 if you cheat) then you are left with compound paste with 3nm (6000-8000ish grit) and you'd only want to touch the edge with that. Smaller honing wheel helps that perhaps? Using the same jig/USB setup you change the sharpening angle to just touch the edge.
Tormek says no honing when using SJ wheel, but i'd like to go beyond 4000 grit it offers, into 1nm paste (12000 grit territory), so will either make my own or look for 3rd party.
Will check the old discussion, thanks for the link.