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Messages - ST

Okay cbwx34 and others,

Thanks for your advice, I understood it al. And I agree it will be worth to buy the KS-123 for setting up the angels. Once again thank you all for the advice. And I will try to understand the Calcapp ;-)
Quote from: cbwx34 on June 01, 2024, 02:10:24 PM
Quote from: ST on June 01, 2024, 10:25:08 AMHello everyone, I would like your advice for a beginner. Recently I bought a T8, I want to sharpen my knives. How many degrees do I need to set with the angle adjustment. For example, I want to sharpen a Japanese knife at an angle of 15 degrees. How many degrees should I set 15, per side or 7.5 degrees per side. Thanks in advance for the comments.

You probably didn't pick the best knife to ask this.  "Japanese knife" come in a wide variety.  Also may not be the best knife to learn on.  Also you need to define "at an angle of 15 degrees".  Total or per side?

The AngleMaster measures the angle per side, on a standard knife where you measure from the side of the blade, as shown in the instructions.  It doesn't account for the blade taper from spine to edge.  If it's a single bevel knife though, you could be measuring the total angle, and blade taper doesn't matter.

The new KS-123 jig always shows the "degree per side" (dps) angle, and gives the angle of the edge, regardless of blade taper.

So short answer, more information is needed.

p.s.  It also helps to mark the edge with a Sharpie, especially while learning, to make sure you're setting things up correctly, and removing metal where you want to.

I'm sorry if I have made some misstakes, I will try to inform you better.
So it's a two sideded knife, I have some cheap knifes to practice on. If I correctly understood you all, the Angelmaster I should set for example 15 degrees per side and not 30 degrees.
Hello, thanks for your answere. The knife is 15 degrees on one side, the knife it's self has 2 sides.

I'm still practicing on a cheap knife :-)

Hello everyone, I would like your advice for a beginner. Recently I bought a T8, I want to sharpen my knives. How many degrees do I need to set with the angle adjustment. For example, I want to sharpen a Japanese knife at an angle of 15 degrees. How many degrees should I set 15, per side or 7.5 degrees per side. Thanks in advance for the comments.