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Messages - guitar_edg

Hi All,

When sharpening chisels, and knives, how much pressure should I apply to the item being sharpened.  I am not using a lot of pressure, but from the videos I can't tell.


General Tormek Questions / Re: Newbie here....
May 26, 2024, 12:09:49 AM
Hi All,

I started with chisels, and I had an "OK" go with them.  Thought I'd get brave and try a "Chicago Cutlery" chefs knife.  That seems to have gone well.  I can better, that I know, but it started out well.

Wood Carving / Japanese chisel challenge
May 20, 2024, 02:31:33 AM
Hi All,

Edit: The answer looks to be the SVS-38, which I have.

I have a set of Japanese chisels, with short shafts.  Currently working with the 1/4" chisel.  35deg grind.

1) The shaft is so short that I can not use the angle gauge, because it runs into the jig.  So, I am eye balling it.

2) Due to the short shaft & low angle, I can only use part of the wheel, as the jig "hinge" rubs on the wheel.  I figure I can use just the one side, and then flatten the wheel. 

Any obvious issues here I am missing?


General Tormek Questions / Re: Newbie here....
May 16, 2024, 01:56:04 AM
Hi All,

Time for some humor.  I got my T-8 put together, and based on advice from this forum, I set to work on a cheap chisel.  I was having a weird problem, in that I could not get the angle I wanted, without the jig knobs digging into the stone. Because....  I had the jig upside down.  Once, I corrected that, I was able to work on a cheap chisel that I have on hand.

Now this chisel, I've had for a while, and I have tried to sharpen it with hand tools.  It screwed it up so badly that after 30 minutes on the 220 grit stone, and I still don't have a flat surface on the face of the chisel.

Back at it I go.

Edit to add: It's a Kobalt brand chisel.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Newbie here....
May 14, 2024, 03:46:04 AM
I'm counting my chisels, planes, scissors, and kitchen knives that need to be sharpened.

I will be busy for a while.

My wife has some Cuisinart knives.  I figure I can use them for practice without really hurting anything.  Is there a possibility that I could actually sharpen them?

Take care,

General Tormek Questions / Re: Newbie here....
May 13, 2024, 11:22:39 PM
They lied.  It's here a day early.  :)

BDay on Wednesday, so I can't open it until then.  So 2 days to watch the videos.

Take care,

General Tormek Questions / Re: Newbie here....
May 10, 2024, 07:33:00 PM
Tip 2 - Be very careful of the edge, and know where your band aids are. I was sharpening some chisels the other day and I happened to lightly brush the edge against my finger, ever so gently and raise a flap of skin. It leaves the edges very sharp indeed.

My fave is grabbing the hot end of a soldering iron.  I've done it more than once  :(

I have stacks of unwanted catalogs to use for testing sharpness.

I saw the list of pinned tips for newbies.  I think I have the recommended chisel already.

I'm expecting my unit on Tuesday, the 14th.

Thanks, and take care.


General Tormek Questions / Newbie here....
May 06, 2024, 10:13:50 PM
Hi All,

I just ordered a T-8, with the HTK-806 kit.  I have not yet watched the Tormek videos, but they are on my "to do" list.

I plan to work on my utility and kitchen knives, chisels, and plane blades.  My wife's scissors if she'll let me.  Tool wise, my order should allow me work on all of the above.  And compared to my hand sharpening work, I should be able to get them all sharp.

Is there anything else I need to know?