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Messages - srenovo

A new member's first question and a little background.  Back before the Salk and later Sabin polio vaccines were invented, I spent a summer and early fall so weak that the lyrics of Pink Floyd's  - Comfortably Numb barely describe that experience.  It's years later - I can barely endure the pain of standing for any period of time.  Over the past several years I have slowly been converting the parts of my workshop to areas where I can be seated in an office chair to do as much as possible.  My knife sharpening area is desktop high (~30") and I can sharpen with almost no pain with my various sharpening devices.  But sharpening bigger edges requires the use of a larger machine - my Tormeks.  I have two so I don't have to lift stones to change to 4000 grit.

My question centers around my desire for a seated sharpening station for my Tormeks.  How low should I make my benchtop so that I can work on sharpening tools comfortably and safely?