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Messages - Loesch

I think the coffee filter suggestion before storing is to remove fine metallic particles not caught by the magnet.  Leaving the slime mold in the solution and then reusing it may end up covering the wheel surface with slime, not my preference.  BradGE's solution could also help with humidifying your work area  :).  I will try the algaecide.  I have a pH meter and will do a before and after to see if it changes, but doubt that a product advertised as safe for animals to drink would do much to 2 liters of water.
Seems that I have the same problem others have been having.  A search revealed multiple posts but no solutions (pun intended).  My used ACC-150 solution, even when placed into a sterilized jar, grows slime mold after a week or so, rendering it waste.  Folks have suggested bleach, but others correctly indicated that it changes the pH of the solution and also can be somewhat corrosive.  Has anyone come up with a remedy?  I have a water cooled CO2 laser that uses distilled water to which I add a few drops of an algaecide which works great.  Over a year and still clear as a whistle. I first thought of the clear solutions used for cooling computer systems (anti-corrosive and anti-bacterial), but the cost difference is either small or even more expensive. I think the algaecide option is the what I will try - you only need a drop.  For the conc I have, 1 ml of conc makes 12 gal, so 1 drop would treat over 2 liters of solution.