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Messages - Kweeks

Ken, thanks for the tip on the TT-50U.  I didn't know about that option. That does save a few bucks.  My ADV-50 is brand new so the diamond is in perfect shape.  If you want the carcass for the museum you are welcome to have it.  I certainly have no need for it.

As for the WM-100, I'm not actually sure what a kenjig is, but it has to be worth more to me than the WM-100 especially since my WM-200 just arrived.  Let me know how to get them to you.

Thanks for the reply.  I had come to the exact same conclusions that you suggested as far as what to keep and what to get rid of.  But it's really nice to have them confirmed.  One additional thing that came in the $20 bundle was an extra leather honing wheel.  I'm going to keep that one as well.
Sadly, it does not have the stainless steel shaft.  I have looked at the kit to upgrade it to the T7 standard but that is rather pricey.  I thought about just replacing the shaft but I noticed that the stone that I have is a different thickness where the shaft goes through it and therefore won't fit which answered my question as to why they would include the stone in the upgrade kit.  I have completely disassembled mine and the shaft on mine is not rusted at all.  I don't know how long it will stay that way, however.
I really appreciate the insights.  It really helps to hear from those who have been up the road a little farther.  I think I'll keep the 2000 as you both suggest.  I was not aware of the fine print on the free stones so that is definitely much less of an incentive than it was a few minutes ago.  Thanks again!
First-timer here.  I just bought a lightly used but fairly old Supergrind 2000 - haven't even used it yet.  It is the rectangular version (i.e. no ramp on the front).  I cleaned the machine up the other day and I wouldn't say it is in new condition but not too far off.  Got it for $230 with a bunch of older but new-in-the-box jigs for an extra $20. Around here you just don't find used Tormeks of any flavor so I jumped on it because I knew it would not have lasted.  Now I am wondering if I did the right thing.  Tormek is currently offering "stones for life" for the next week.  Thinking about selling it and getting a new T4 and keeping a few of the accessories I got with the 2000.  I mention the T4 because of budget.  I would have a hard time justifying a T8 just now.  I do a little furniture stuff but want to eventually get into Lutherie which will require some very sharp hand tools. 

The accessories I got for $20 are:

SVH-60 - Square Edge Jig - (got 2 of these)
WM-100 - Angle Gauge
ADV-50D - Stone Truing Tool
SVD-180 - Gouge Jig (Can easily be upgraded to a 185 but I don't have a lathe)
SVS-32 - Small Tool Jig
SP-650 - Stone Grader

I have read that the truing tool is pretty much worthless.  Not sure about all the others other than the stone grader is good.

So my question really boils down to, "Is it worth having the larger machine regardless of whether or not it is older?"  Or should I sell the 2000 and go with the T4?

Any thoughts or opinions from those who have been there?