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Messages - plonken

Yes this would be even better.

Think that would be great, what i missed in the beginning and still do sometime is a dictionary for all abbreviations like CBN, USB, BESS, FVB, DPS and so on.
Not just a name but a simple explanation what it is or means. I get that we use these names as it would be tedious to write them out every time.
But what you are proposing this would fit perfectly.

Hi everyone!!

Thanks alot for your insight in this. As i am a newbie in this and it is really good to hear your different suggestions and ideas.

As most of us i guess dont have money in a bottomless well :-) you try to find the thing that can help/be used to get the most "bang for the buck".

I can see that a cheap belt grinder could have some advantages that you can use it for other things but the downside is that you cant use the supportpackage that you use on the T4 without rebuilding it.

So thanks again for your input!!

Best Regards Thomas

Feels like that is a better solution as you can use the all the support tools that you already have for your Tormek.
Didn't know that that would fit the T4.

Thanks for the input Ken really appreciate it!!

Best Regards Thomas

Fairly new to the Tormek grinding, bought a T4 a year ago.

My problem is how to to or use when there is alot of grinding to remove a nick or when the blade has lost a small shard.

Do you use a beltgrinder or how do you do in these cases?
