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Messages - TORwcb

General Tormek Questions / Re: preventing corrosion
October 13, 2019, 10:56:20 PM
Thank you Rich, Twisted Trees, John, for the good advice and ideas.  I reassembled with some new lithium grease before seeing your replies, in order to get the current project done.  Am placing the MSK-250 kit on my birthday list, maybe the kids will come through!
General Tormek Questions / preventing corrosion
September 14, 2019, 12:59:52 AM
My Tormek 2000 was purchased from a friend, it is several years old.  I decided to use the dry grindstone for the first time and discovered that the shaft and washers were corroded. The pictures shows the disassembled parts after wire wheel cleaning. I am assuming that this is the result of leaving the grindstone on to dry out between uses. Is it normal good practice to remove the wet grindstone after each period of use? Also, when I reassemble, is white lithium grease the best choice for the shaft and bearings?