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Messages - Jeff_Coates

Knife Sharpening / FVB Order with KnifeGrinders
December 24, 2019, 06:43:40 PM
Hi all!

I have a few questions about Knife Grinders & the FVB I hope people can help me out.

1. I ordered a FVB on 12/02/19. I have received no confirmation or contact. Is that normal? I am in no way trying to say anything negative about Wootz or Knife Grinders, just wondering if my payment got sucked into the black hole of internet transactions.

2. I downloaded the FVB app. It requires a code to use it. Is that code provided with the product?

Thanks so much for all the great info the for members provide!  Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all!!
Knife Sharpening / KnifeGrinders Software
September 13, 2019, 02:53:26 AM
Hello all.

I am new to Tormek, and decided to go this route from WickedEdge and EdgePro both of which I own and regularly use.

I went Tormek just to use the KnifeGrinders software. I am learning as I go, with "practice knives.

I could not locate an existing thread, but I'm pretty sure there is one.

Anyway, questions abound.

1. Is it correct that the only way to use the software w/o the front vertical accessory is to grind into the stone?

2. And no honing?

3. Sources to walk thru using it on knives? (I have been to the site and it is great - just looking for more.)

4. Honing - SJ-250 or leather wheel? Advantages of each?

Thanks. I am so looking forward to mastering this skill.
It is a joy to work with high quality tools, both the Tormek & the software.