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Messages - hhh

Hi Rick,
Thanks for noticing me. It should work now? At least I can view them without signing in and in incognito mode. I've been using Drive for many years and sometimes this happens that sharing permissions are not correct even if I think they are. I updated sharing permissions again and

Here is the link again:

I hope it works.

Ok, I have it :) It is in really good condition. The rubber wheel which turns the axle and rubber honing wheel are not perfectly round but that's not too bad.

Stone was surprisingly straight and I did some grinding with sharpening stone to clean it up a little.

I made a quick universal support from 12mm axle (4,95€) and some 12mm threaded I had. I think it came out good enough to get some jigs and start sharpening!

Thanks for your help and I'm happy that I got this oldie. It was worth it!

Here you can find some pictures that I took today:

Yes, true. I'd love to find something old which still works flawlessly. I have made my calculations how much I need to possibly spend on accessories. Still I've made my mind that if it works and I get it for 100€ + something extra for shipping/carrying then I'm happy to buy it.

T-8 would really be overkill for my current use and that T-4 bushcraft would be (or have been) my first choice. This kind of design and customer support is just too rate these days where you can get info, help and spare parts for old devices.

Well, I'm still waiting for that message to confirm it's a running unit...
Thanks! Sorry for not updating.

I do not yet have this beauty. Seller (whos late husbad had this) taught it was only few years old and is asking quite high price. Now she replied to me that she might give it to her neighbour and not arrange it to me. So, I need to promise high enough price before seeing this or knowing if it runs or not. Let's see how this goes. I'm trying to get it since I feel like I'm already grown into it  ;D If I'm successful you'll get good pictures and more info about this machine :)

EDIT: I managed agree that I'll get a call from the seller later this evening to confirm it works. She hasn't tried it yet before. If it works it I will buy it tomorrow.

Thanks for your support and knowledge! :)
Ok, I'll resend my email to support with this notice! :)
Hi! I'm interested about this Tormek which I cannot find any more information about. Type plate says for the model: PROFFG-250 (although it could be also PROFFS-250, there's a bird poo on the label image i have).

It's also interesting since there is more mounting points for tool support than I've seen before.

Just by pictures it seems all good but before I put down the cash next weekend I'd like to know if there is some information about this unit :)
