I did indeed take the plunge, albeit after having the owner of the shop I brought the wheel from doing everything in his power to not let me buy it, as "it simply won't work, and is a stupid idea" according to him.
I am now the proud owner of a 360 grit CBN wheel. The bushings I brought previously when I was toying with this idea were too long for the wheel I got, which despite being 40mm wide was only 30mm at the bore, so I had to make some extra bushings out of old chopping board (HDPE) which works extremely well to take up the slack space.
All is working well and after an initial test on two or three Bowl Gouges, I'm extremely impressed. They are cutting fast, as expected when straight out of the pack, and I haven't tried them wet yet, but so far I'm very happy indeed! The finish on the tool felt perfectly sharp, more so than my SG-200, even when dressed, and cut beautifully. The scratch marks were very visible, but that's not something that comes into my mind as a concern when woodturning tools, and I imagine this will lessen both with the wheel wearing in, and trialling water on the wheel.
I have some Honerite Gold to try them wet with, do you also have to wipe the wheel down after use it, or do you just drop the trough?
Something else that's been on my mind is I have some of my grandfather's tools which would be carbon steel based on their age, I have read this can clog or ruin a CBN wheel, is this a real thing I need to be aware of?
Many Thanks
I did indeed take the plunge, albeit after having the owner of the shop I brought the wheel from doing everything in his power to not let me buy it, as "it simply won't work, and is a stupid idea" according to him.
I am now the proud owner of a 360 grit CBN wheel. The bushings I brought previously when I was toying with this idea were too long for the wheel I got, which despite being 40mm wide was only 30mm at the bore, so I had to make some extra bushings out of old chopping board (HDPE) which works extremely well to take up the slack space.
All is working well and after an initial test on two or three Bowl Gouges, I'm extremely impressed. They are cutting fast, as expected when straight out of the pack, and I haven't tried them wet yet, but so far I'm very happy indeed! The finish on the tool felt perfectly sharp, more so than my SG-200, even when dressed, and cut beautifully. The scratch marks were very visible, but that's not something that comes into my mind as a concern when woodturning tools, and I imagine this will lessen both with the wheel wearing in, and trialling water on the wheel.
I have some Honerite Gold to try them wet with, do you also have to wipe the wheel down after use it, or do you just drop the trough?
Something else that's been on my mind is I have some of my grandfather's tools which would be carbon steel based on their age, I have read this can clog or ruin a CBN wheel, is this a real thing I need to be aware of?
Many Thanks