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Messages - Nickclick

Thanks very much, you have sold me on buying a new t4 instead of an old t8. Thanks for all the time you put in your answers. I hope to be back soon with more questions once I get the t4. :D thanks
Thanks for the in-depth responses Ken, they help a lot. Last few questions lol, I use a lot of chisels and plane irons for my woodworking, could I use the side of the normal tormek stone to flatten them or will it ruin it? Also, since I need the edge to be very sharp, should I buy the Japanese water stone or is it not a big difference. Then, I see the kitchen version of the tormek, I think the t-2, has a small diamond stone, would that fit. And should I go normal stone, jap stone or diamond for best results?
Thanks for the replies, are there any drawbacks to the t-4? I think I have seen somewhere that because of the motor downgrade, you can only sharpen things for a shortened amount of time. Is this right?
Great, haven't even seen this tool. Could I actually use it to sharpen things, of should I also buy sharpening stones to finish them.
I get it, thanks. I thought since I sharpen a lot of the things that the jigs in the hand tool kit have, I would get that. Figuring the t8 would be best, then I can't really see the $900ish of the t8 and kit. Would the t4 work for that, I have a pretty good amount of tools.
General Tormek Questions / Used tormek machines
March 24, 2019, 01:44:43 AM
Looking to get my first tormek system. Not sure about the high prices yet though, lol. Do you guys (and gals) know where to get a used machine at a good price and in good condition?
Thanks for the responses, they have been extremely helpful.
Thank you all for putting so much time and info into your responses, it is helping a lot. Lady question, what is the Japanese water stone used for/ good for? Would it be useful for sharpening hunting knives, pocket knive, axes and woodworking tools?
Thank you all for the info. You have really cleared thing up for me. I appreciate it and hope my new experience will go well. If you are curious, you talked me into getting the t-8. For the pretty minimal price increase, I didn't really see a reason to go for the t-4. Thanks again.
Thank you both for the quick replies and helpful info. On chisel you don't really want the hollow grind the wheel would provide, could I use the side of the "standard" wheel? Also, still not 100% sure, is a brand new t4 worth it versus a super grind 2000? I realize there are new features, but I don't do sharpening as a job, so are they worth it against a larger machine with accessories?
Thanks for the suggestions. I am must confused what the diamond wheels are for. I see that they are on the t-2, but the diamond wheel is different for the larger one. Is there a difference in how they sharpen or what they are used for? Also, when I buy either one, should I buy a different stone, like a Japanese water stone or diamond stone? How do I know which stone I would benefit from? Thanks you in advance.
I am wanting to get my first tormek system and I am sort of stuck. Should I buy a brand new t4 bushcraft or a used super grind 2000 or t7? I do a fair amount of sharpening, but want it to last a while either way. I know there is a larger variety for the 10" stones, but not sure if I need them. I sharpen knives, hunting and pocket, axes and woodworking tools. Any feed back or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.