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Messages - gabecker

Wood Turning / Re: Alan Lacer skew revisited
December 06, 2018, 07:59:46 PM
My attempt making a jig didn't work out. The jig did, but it doesn't work like I thought--doesn't work at all. So--I reshaped an old smaller skew free hand on a dry grinder with the Norton 3x wheels. It worked good--after watching Alan Lacer's videos many times. Now I want to try to sharpen it on the Tormek's SVD-110 tool rest in the vertical position. One question I have is if the tool is initially sharpened on an 8" wheel that gives it a hollow grind, how will that work then to resharpen on a 10" wheel? Another question: Do Tormek users hone their skews with a diamond hone, or does the leather wheel do such a good job that honing isn't necessary?
Wood Turning / Re: Alan Lacer skew revisited
November 20, 2018, 08:42:45 PM
I bought an Alan Lacer skew--I think it's 3/8" thick and 1-3/8" wide. I'm trying to decide how I'm going to sharpen it. Alan sharpens free hand. You could do that on the Tormek--I think. But I've been wondering why I couldn't make a jig just for the Lacer grind. It would kind of be like the SVS-50. For starters I might try to make it barely wide enough for the big skew to fit in--that would take care of centering issues. Then I would have the front rounded so that it would pivot on the USB. There would still be an element of free-handed grinding involved--especially with the skew angle--but it seems like the bevel angle would be more consistent and a single facet bevel would be easier for me. Probably set it all up using the marker method.

Anyone care to give additional input?
Wood Turning / Re: SVS 50 differences
November 20, 2018, 08:32:44 PM
I received my Tormek about 2 months ago and mine is the die cast version. That is what is pictured on Amazon now, too.
Wood Turning / Re: Alan Lacer skew revisited
November 16, 2018, 02:51:33 PM
Is there any update on sharpening the Alan Lacer skew with the Tormek? How do Tormek users sharpen the Lacer grind?