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Messages - EChristopher

After getting the urge to just do it, I figured out a way to mount the engraver. Here ( I've added a picture of my method. I use an SVS-38 and made sure the screw bites down hard. This part is fairly tricky. I then set up the angle guide against the back edge. I first grind the large face at 45°, which goes very quickly as you can imagine. Then, I rotate the piece to address the heel. I had to lower the support bar almost to the wheel as well as push the piece to the edge of the jig in order to make it a low enough angle. These sides went even faster; only about a second on the wheel. And that was it; I tested it immediately after and it worked great.
Here ( are a few pictures so you can see how tiny these are. There's a good instructional video ( that shows how the front face gets cut to a specific angle and the back two edges (the heel) are done to whatever angle is preferred for the user. It allows for smooth, guided cuts into metal.
General Tormek Questions / Sharpening Engravers?
July 26, 2018, 04:35:19 PM
Has anyone ever tried sharpening hand engraver tools with the Tormek system? I've searched a fair bit online for techniques and it seems to be doable on the Tormek, however I have not seen anyone use one to sharpen their engraving tools. Most setups I see are with flat surfaces; is this why I haven't seen it done with the Tormek? The hollow grind would technically be there, however it's such a tiny surface to grind. I can't imagine it causing any problems. Mounting the tool might be an issue, but I'm sure it'd be an easy DIY jig to design.