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Messages - Ozblade51

Thany you guys,
For the present, the project has been set aside for a week or two as I need to attend to some urgent home maintenance issues.
My primary purpose for the Tormek is to have it to sharpen knives. I am a pocket knife/folding knife collector so
I make knives when the mood takes me, being into muzzleloading and re-enactment where people ask me to make knives relative to the historic period.

I also sharpen all manner of tools from chisels, plane blades, and have even tried scissors but that aspect of my sharpening experience needs work.
As you can see the Tormek will play an important role in this activity.

I will get the Tormek re assembled as it has been sitting awhile so I could strip and repaint it. While it is in pieces it's an ideal opportunity to make any upgrades if needed.

What are the parts that typically wear? I am not expecting any wear as the machine did very little work at the high school. It is good to be preemptive and if there's any part I could upgrade it would be nice to know about it.
Thank you, Ken
My Tormek machine is a bit hard to identify but it was marked on the silver decals as a Super Tormek. When stored away, the roof of a storeroom leaked it got soaked and the handbook was soaked and illegible.
I think some sort of solvent was spilt on the silver and black decals as most of the black ink came off the silver decals. I stripped it and painted it a dark green near as to the original green as I could. Even though it looked rough I thought that with several attachments it was well worth $200. I'll have a look through Google Tormek pics and see if I can see one, the same as mine.

I had a look through the accessories but the dressing tool is not a TT-50 (had a look at Google)so obviously I have the older model but will certainly check a TT-50 out.Ditto the threaded support bar.

As far as the chisels there were 4 or teachers doing a room and we could do it in an hour and a half by batching the chisels. They were sharpened on a bench grinder-Ugh! I know what you thinking- but they were hand stoned after the grinder  . When you consider how some the little angels treated the chisels ,it was good enough for government work as they say.

Thanks again
I was registered as Ozwelder but changed my ISP and now am back as Ozblade51.

I bought a Tormek with accessories from a local high school.It was brought to sharpen chisels but they do 96 chisels in an hour and a half and it was too slow,so I scored it for a couple of hundred with most of the attachments.

It was solvent damaged so I removed the aluminium stickers and repainted it green.
I disassembled it to do so and found that the abrasive wheel had been left sitting in the water trough for too long and had slumped.

It is about 2mm out of round. Can the trimming stone I have be able to bring the wheel back to concentric or is it necessary to buy another wheel.