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Messages - Joechippy

Wood Turning / Re: Universal support
December 24, 2016, 02:07:35 PM
Happy Christmas to all family's and good luck for 2017
Wood Turning / Re: Universal support
November 18, 2016, 10:08:04 PM
Thanks all for you replies. I've been turning for about four years or so just as hobby. I am part of a club and meet once a month and hold a competition so that means i turn at least every week. I had been using a bench grinder and was looking to buy a cbn wheel for it as my white wheel was getting smaller and as a result I was grinding below centre and it was very agrsive and burn marks on tools and after looking around and talking to few friends in our club I went the hole jog and got Tormek with the Woodturning kit so I have all the jigs, it takes a bit of getting used to checking the book and settings but soon be second nature and up to speed. Sharp tools make the job so much easier
I work as a carpenter so over Christmas holidays all my chisels will get the Tormek treatment to. Chisels aren't used as much now as when I serviced my time it all router and electricity planner
Thanks again for all responds and I'll be checking on often.
Wood Turning / Universal support
November 15, 2016, 12:19:35 AM
Hi all, just after buying myself a t8 mostly for sharpening turning tools. My question is would most turners hone there tools after sharpening and if so why is the universal support not made so it extends over the grinding week and honing wheel then you would not have to take it out turn it around and reset the distance from wheel it makes spence to me.imterested to see what others think. Joe