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Messages - Laro13


I took Ken S advice and contacted Tormek support. I got a nice reply:

"Now thats an old model J
The SP-650 have no use on the natural stone but it seems to get small so in the near future you might need to buy a new stone.
You can use our jigs exept DBS-22 and SVP-80 as you don't have the horizontal sleeves mounted. You can upgrade your machine with that, XB-100, and you can use all jigs and methods.
Use a small washer and it will not do any wrong."

With an extra washer, the driving wheel does not rub any more. I also polished the axle at the bushing area, to remove the rust.
I have replaced the 30 year old capacitor for a new one and you really can notice the improvement. Before it was very easy to stop the stone from turning.

You can just see the the date on the old capacitor(r): "6/85"

I have ordered some jigs to practice.
In the near future I like to replace the rubber honing wheel for a leather one and I think I will also have to replace the grinding wheel and axle soon.

In the long run it would probably be cheaper to buy a new machine, but I'm a sucker for old tools/machines.

But, I've feeling that the natural stone does not last as long as the man-made stone.
General Tormek Questions / Nooitgedagt 367125 / SA-250
February 06, 2016, 01:38:20 PM
Hello Everybody,

I have just bought an old Tormek machine for €85,-. I think it's a SA-250 licensed under the Dutch chisel brand "Nooitgedagt".
The capacitor states "85" ,so it's a bit older than I thought.

I've got two questions:

- I think it's got a sandstone, can I use the stone Grader SP-650 on it?

- The drive-wheel rubs on the side of the machine. Can I put an extra washer between the plastic bushing and the washer, to move the wheel a bit further?
  There is room for it.

