Ken, I'm sorry for not responding sooner, but I did type a reply over the weekend and when I hit the post button, my message disappeared into never land because my time had expired. I've been very busy planting a vegetable garden and getting ready for summer. I'm sure the Tormek engineers have tried to address this issue, but maintaining a sharp flat surfaced wheel parallel to the tool bar is essential to utilizing the precision built into some of the tool holders. It would be nice if the planer blade holder had a diamond sharpening attachment to precisely dress the wheel absolutely parallel to the planer blade holder. The diamond dressing tool Tormek supplies is a step forward, but operating it with thumbwheels is slow and really does not allow for dressing the wheel coarsely. A similar diamond dresser would also help optimize the some of the other holders that have square alignment guides built into them. In the message I wrote over the weekend I suggested using a home made tool similar to a machinist's planer gauge. That sort of adjustable tool would enable aligning the tool rest bar absolutely parallel to the grinding wheel surface so perfectly square edges would almost be guaranteed. Once I get my spring planting done I'll try to write more. Allen