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Messages - CMS

Thanks to all who responded to my query regarding my stone jerking issue.  I have solved the problem.  Here is the story:

The instructional video shows and suggest that the rubber wheel may periodically need to be scuffed.  Which I did as I began using my Tormek; however, being  concerned that I not scuff the wheel too much, I simply did not scuff it aggressively enough.  Early this morning, once I gave the rubber a good scuffing with an 80 grit sand paper, my problem was gone.  So, chalk this up to a valuable learning experience.  I am up and running smoothly. 

Again, thanks to all who chimed in.  Collectively, your comments helped me to rethink my problem and come up with the idea that solved my problem.  Stay sharp!
[HT]Can you explain a bit more? I often hear a pulsing sound from my Tormek, but there's no jerk. I figure it's just a vibration because it stops when I push on the grindstone with a tool or the stone grader.

[CMS] When I first turned on my Tormek, I had a slight clicking sound.  Having watched the video and seeing a demonstration at the Hartville Tool Show, where I bought the Tormek, I new that I needed to scuff up the rubber wheel inside the strop wheel.  Once I did this, I heard no clicking; however, after a while, I began to experience the jerking motion that I mentioned in my original post.

[CMS]Today, I scuffed the rubber wheel more aggressively and with a coarser sand paper, and "voila," no more jerking!

[HT] If there's a jerk, that sounds like either the drive shaft is slipping on that rubber drive wheel or there's something amiss with the main shaft. It could need lubricating or perhaps it's bent.

[CMS]  As you surmised, the shaft was slipping on the rubber drive wheel.

[HT] Do you see a visible wobble in the grindstone or the leather honing wheel?

[CMS]  No, there was no wobbling of the grindstone.  Thanks for your comments.
Thanks for your suggestions.  I made a few clarifications to my original post that I should have put in my original post.  Sorry about misleading you.  Thanks again...  CMS
I just purchased my T-4 and am learning to use it.  Great tool!

After about 1-2 hours of operation (not continuous), my stone and strop (wheels) began to pulsate (or jerk).  I have scuffed up the rubber wheel (under the strop) as directed in the video, but this makes no difference.  The wheels continue to turn, but there is a definite pulse with each rotation.  Can anyone help me solve this problem?  I'd greatly appreciate your help.  CMS

A few points of clarification: 
    I stopped my Tormek periodically.  It was not running continually.
    The pulsating only happens when I apply pressure with the tool I am sharpening to the stone or strop.