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Messages - Kevin R

I appreciate all the help, after a two months of using the machine.  I have a nice uniform black honing wheel that grabs the metal.  I am very pleased with the results from the machine.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Honing Compound ??????
February 15, 2015, 07:11:13 PM
Grepper really appreciate the response!  I believe I have it, and by slick I guess I mean more uniform......  My compound has adhered and is not sliding around....  if anything possible slightly to dry but  I believe its just about right.  Again I am very pleased with the results we are achieving.  Definitely second the idea of some pre packed oil with the intial installment of a new wheel.
General Tormek Questions / Honing Compound ??????
February 15, 2015, 04:17:20 AM
Setting up our new T7 today and following the videos.  I applied some light weight oil and let saturate really good.  Then applied some honing compound evenly on the wheel.  Started working through the pieces one at a time pocket knives kitchen knifes cleavers and so on........   I noticed as the morning went on the performance improved, really impressed with this machine.  My question is though I know a little compound goes a long way right..... I notice when I hone and finish there is a decent amount off compound still on the blade is the normal?  I probably used less than a teaspoon total to load the wheel in the beginning.  After a full morning of sharpening I am finally getting a some what slick grey surface on the honing wheel...  just looking  for some feedback to see if I am on the right track.  I appreciate it!