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Messages - Woodrow

Quote from: SharpenADullWitt on February 11, 2015, 06:51:05 AM
The 2000 had originally a non threaded USB.  The prior owner of mine either received or bought it when the replacement came out.  The knob on it, changed from black (mine) to numbered to help one dial things in.  (don't see the big difference there) The 2000 went from a square frame to an angled frame, gained the front mount (went through knobs), and gained the sticker with the wheel size.
The angle gauge has changed, to allow smaller degree's. During the run it also gained a serial number.
Several of the jigs have been upgraded during the 2000 run.  The knife jigs went to an o-ring from the locking knobs they had.  The square edge jig was redesigned and received a new number.
Some other jigs were redesigned along the way, but I don't know all the particulars (things like Time frame), the SVS32 being one of them.  The 180, became the 185 with a change. The SVS50 received a slight mod (cut down to a smaller size on one part).

Other tools have come out since, for example the turning tool setter displaced the old build your template method. The shaft changed to Stainless, sometime around when they changed the model number.
At some point enough changes were done that they decided to change the paint and call it 7 (2007, see a numbering scheme?).
The newer water tray, is more recent and a change during the T7 run.  I think the rotating base also followed the T7.

I picked up mine used with the a chipped stone, a new stone, the 60 (became the 76), 45, 32,50,185 jigs, profiled wheel, as well as the angle grinder for under $200.  I upgraded the shaft, water tray, picked up the diamond sharpener, the grading stone, a hand tools kit (passed duplicates to a relative), the truing tool setter, video and a thing of durosol honing compound after that. (all with overtime, so not the effect normal budget)  For xmas I got the rotating base.
I've seen several Tormeks listed since I bought mine (they were rare before), and around $300-$350 they go quick. (and that would be in the price range I would look at used, with the jigs I wanted).  I see one on my local CL, similar to what I bought, listed at $450, lightly used, and it has been on for a while, changing in price.  Your comfort zone and budget may be different.

I agree about the price.  Thanks for all the great information.    I really like the idea of getting in with a used machine, but so far it's a toss up unless it drops a bit.
General Tormek Questions / Re: New guy.
February 11, 2015, 04:42:26 PM
Thanks, Ken.  Lots of good information.  I watched the video at Stumpy Nubs.  I agree with you about the price gap.  I am seriously leaning towards the T-7 unless the price drops on the 2000.  By the time I upgraded the 2000 I would be in the T-7 range anyway.
General Tormek Questions / Re: New guy.
February 11, 2015, 02:20:36 AM
I think I found my answers using the search function.  I think I might prefer a T-7 from what I read unless the price drops a bit.
General Tormek Questions / New guy.
February 11, 2015, 01:37:10 AM
Greetings to all from central Fl.

I have a question about the older model 2000.  Found one for sale with a few accessories at $430.  Does anyone know what the difference between the 2000 and the T-7 are?  Looks like new in the photo's.
