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Messages - danglin

Not sure to make of your discovery JeffS55. There may be more than one issue here with the SE 77 - Is that what you are saying? I went back and looked at my original jig and then the replacement jig. With the jigs set up with the same camber adjustment - neutral (lines on jig lined up exactly), the original jig binds and the new one doesn't- doesn't matter if I move the camber adjustment this way or that - it doesn't help the defective jig. Doesn't matter if the camber adjustment knobs are snugged down tight. First time I slid the new jig on the support, it slid like butter.
I will send the lot number to Stig and see if he wants the jig itself back.
Followup on the binding issue. Finally got a replacement SE 77 - (another long story with twists and turns). The binding is gone with the new jig in place- just looking at the defective jig vs the new one, it looks like the bushing/holes are detectably (barely) smaller in diameter, but enough to cause the binding.The action is smooth, like I envisioned it should be.

Stig was helpful, as was Ken. Stig told Affinity to just replace the jig and forget about the bushings, but now I have replacement bushings too.
Thanks to all for commenting and helping.

Yes, the binding is still there (bad) with the camber marks lined up.I had checked that
To followup with the group- here's what has happened. Affinity Tools sent me two replacement bushings, though Stig told them to just replace the SE 77. I didn't feel like a smaller than normal bushing was the problem, simply because I left the SE 77 on the support shaft not attached to the T8 and came by a couple of times a day and moved the jig back and forth many times. I did this probably a thousand times or more. The jig loosened up a bit, but the entire machine still rocked when I moved the jig back and forth when mounted in the T8.

The new bushing was very hard to get in place- using high end lube and tapping with a flat surface against the bushing, it finally slid in- luckily looking concentric and not deformed. The sliding force went back to what it had been at its worst. I think the outer hole on the SE 77 is just smaller in diameter than it should be, even if only by a few thousandths.
Now I'm waiting for a new SE 77- I'm told late October, even though the place where I bought it (Woodworker Supply) has one on hand per their web site. So I'm sitting here not able to do my chisels and plane irons on the T8.
I had been doing more sleuthing - checking straightness of the shafts (both true). I have been able to isolate the binding to the outer bushing. I had reversed the SE 77, and when sliding on the shaft, the binding occurred immediately, whereas with the regular SE 77 position, the binding occurred when the outer bushing began to slide on the shaft. The inner bushing slides easily. I've been sliding the SE 77 over the shaft many times, probably a couple hundred times, with lubricant, and the pictures I'm attaching show the black color of the bushing coming off onto the shaft, forming concentric rings.

I checked to see if the position of any of the knobs made a difference, or whether the presence of a blade makes a difference - no effect. My other jigs slide on and off easily.

I think either the bushing and or/the outer hole on the jig are congenitally small.

I got this unit from Woodworker's Supply - Should contact them vs Tormek?
Thanks to all for help

Binding localized to the outer bushing. It looks concentric and mounted correctly, symmetric in the hole. I can't find burrs anywhere. The knobs are not hitting anything - good clearance. Have cleaned shaft with acetone, lacquer thinner. It is shiny, smooth
I am now just getting my T8 set up and am having a big problem with binding between the SE 77 square jig and the universal support. I used to have a T7 but gave it to a close friend and happened to have ordered an extra universal support by mistake so I tried it too. I can't detect a bend in the support shafts. I have tried two different fine lubricants and used a micro polishing abrasive to the universal support shaft, but I still have to use significant force to move the jig. I have to hold down the machine and almost bang the jig over the shaft. I believe I am setting the SE 77 correctly, per the manual and all that I can find online.

Any ideas? Do the nylon bushings need a significant break-in?