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Messages - turnedbykyle

Wood Turning / Bottom bowl gouge
October 02, 2014, 05:25:27 AM
I did do a search, and could not find any info......

How do you set a 75 degree bevel angle on the 185? I'd like to try a bottom feeder gouge. The instructions say use P65, JS 4 but it's the same for all the angles... That's what I use now, and it's not 75 degrees.

Wood Turning / Re: Michelsen grind?
May 20, 2013, 07:13:39 AM
That is what I was thinking, but he uses a very short (45?) side angle and grinds away the bulk so the gouge can cut. If I just move the collar, then I'd just get a short bevel which is sort of what he's doing. Other than changing my basic angle from about 65 to his 45 or so...... I bid an old used gouge from e-bay, I'll start experimenting with the old gouge on this. Don't want to grind up a good gouge for no reason.

Thanks for the reply!
Wood Turning / Michelsen grind?
May 14, 2013, 05:56:02 AM
Anyone able to reproduce Johannes Michelsen's grind on the Tormek? I recently attended a class, and the instructor uses his grind. It has a small cutting bevel and the "back" of the gouge is ground away, leaving a very short bevel, and is supposedly catch proof.  I did do a search and nothing came up. I apologize if the question was asked earlier. I'm for anything that is catch proof. Yeah, probably does not exist.