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Messages - Jgweaver

The service tech e-mailed and thanked me for the info.  He will be relaying the info. to the quality department.  The machine is working great.
Yes it is running well.  Sharpened several drill bits this afternoon.
Yes, it is running well now and I have sharpened several drill bits this afternoon.  There are no fuses in the unit.
To late.  Took the switch out and tore it apart.  The switch has a 115V coil that latches the run contacts in then when the stop button is pushed it drops out the coil.  The steel arm that the coil pulls in has a slight curve and was in upside down so it did not have enough lift to close the run contacts.  Apparently they do not run these before they are shipped.
It is not the outlet and I have been pushing the switch as far as it will travel.  Looks like I will have to take the thing apart.  Sounds like it is a mechanically latched switch so something must be wrong with the linkage.
Just took it out of the box and plugged into 115V outlet.  Runs if I hold start button down.  Is the start button mechanically or electrically latched?