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Messages - alpasty

For each profile I have there are two blades and two appropriately shaped limiters. So each profile is basically a set of 4 pieces. I will set the jig up to sharpen a cutter and then sharpen all 4 pieces using the same setting, therefore keeping all part of the set an identical thickness.

The setting will have to be changed for each set of 4.
Thanks Rob,

I was wondering, but I guess this type of spindle moulder tooling is not commonly used in America. Your answer makes sense, I guessed this would be the case. I think Tormek should perhaps update their manual to include mention of the limiters.

As an aside, when I bought the jig from Axminster at one of their tool events I asked about how many times the cutters can be resharpened and was told their thickness could be reduced by a third, and that therefore they could be resharpened at least 25 times. Reading through the manual, it clearly states that the cutter can be reduced by .3mm only, meaning 6 resharpening goes.

It still makes economical sense, but I thought I should mention it for the benefit of others, as this information seems a bit buried in the manual.

Thanks again, Alex
The SVH-320 would possibly work for the straight cutting blades shown in the picture, the spindle moulder block will hold (and is mostly used for) profiled cutters like this for instance:

The jig I bought will handle all the different profiles I have.

I get your point about not needing to alter them unless they interfere with the cutting, I was thinking about balance or the effectiveness of the retaining wedge.

Thanks for your reply.
Thanks for your reply, but unfortunately it seems you have not understood the question fully. European spindle moulder cutting blocks mostly have the two knives and two limiters, which are the same profile and thickness as the cutters, but blunt and slightly shorter. Their purpose is to limit the amount of wood that can be removed with each pass of the blade, making them safer to use. Chainsaw chains also have this feature to limit the amount of wood removed.

The type of cutter and block I am describing is shown below.

The steel coloured cutters are the cutters and the black ones are the limiters. So my question is that is it ok for the limiters to remain their original thickness while the cutters slowly reduce in width, or should they be reduced in width to keep them the same as the cutters?

Many thanks for any replies.
I have just bought the above jig. All looks well made and should be great to use with the T7. After having read the manual, I couldn't see any mention of the limiters. Do these need sharpening as well to keep them the same thickness as the knife itself, or is it ok to use keep them at their original thickness as the knife slowly reduces in thickness after a few goes at sharpening?

Many thanks,
