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Messages - kwadams

Wood Turning / New Turning Tool Setter TTS-100
August 25, 2006, 12:22:06 AM
Hi Jeff--

Just saw a Tormek ad in a ww'ing mag for the captioned new jig that looks a little bit like the pro angle master.   It is supposed to make it even easier to set and repeat sharpening of your turning gouges and skews using the normal SVD-185 and SVS-50 jigs.

Have you seen/tried it yet?  If so, what's your opinion?  Lastly, will you be offering it for sale?

Kevin Adams
General Tormek Questions / Wheel Stops
April 08, 2006, 05:51:38 PM
Hi Jeff--

I bought my Tormek from you recently and finally started it up today.  When I press on the wheel, it slows and even stops.  I tried the stone grader and that stops it quite easily.  I bought your maintenance kit and had applied a small amount of belt dressing to the drive wheel so I think I've done everything correct before starting.  BTW, I don't know anything about belt dressing, but the stuff supplied is very thin (like black water) rather than the thicker, lighter colored stuff shown on your starter video.  Did I maybe use too much or not enough, or is there something else going on?  I noticed the drive wheel has a fair amount of wobble to it so it isn't contacting the motor "arbor" in a consistent manner.  

Please help me figure out what's going on so I can do some serious sharpening this weekend.  Thanks!


I'm just about to purchase a Tormek from you and was curious about the profiled wheel for carving tools.  I've seen somewhere else that they also sell add-on disks (I remember one had a 45 degree tip) that I guess somehow fit on the wheel.  I don't see these on your site so I don't know where I've seen them in the past.  Do you know if they are available and are they something worth having?  I do a fair amount of carving so a power strop that would fit different tools would be helpful to me.
