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Messages - Elizabeth

Fabulous!!!!!  Thank you!
Hi.  Perpetual newbie here.  I have spokeshave blade that needs sharpening.   I was thinking of using the SE-76, square edge jig to do so but the blade is carbon steel.

Can I sharpen carbon steel on the Tormek or do I need to use the slow grinder (dry)?  I have the last set-up per Tormek's instructions to accept the jigs.

Also, not sure yet if the SE-76 will accept the short blade of the spokeshave.  I'll check it out tomorrow.

Thank you.
Wood Turning / Re: help with skew jig
June 01, 2011, 07:15:42 PM
Thank you, Ken.  I was raised in Madrid... :D

An update:  I spoke with Tormek tech support yesterday.  VERY HELPFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I got my questions answered and there will be follow-up on some issues with wobble in the honing wheels, rusted accessories, and an angle master that doesn't register on the stone when set at 75*.  Sam (tech) asked me to take pics and a short video clip so he could see the problems.  I emailed these yesterday.

It would have been nice to have detailed installation instructions on mounting the accessories, chisels in the jigs, and the jigs to the machine.  My manuals just say "mount them", now how...  I'm getting there by trial and error.

Sam recommended I purchase the slow speed grinder from Woodcraft, with the Tormek grinder mount accessory, so I can shape the tools prior to sharpening with the Tormek.  I think this will be helpful and less time consuming.  I should receive it in 7-10 days.

Thank you for your replies.
Wood Turning / Re: help with skew jig
May 31, 2011, 02:45:11 PM
Thank you!  I sharpened a bench chisel first.  Made a hash of it!  :o  Did the skew next because it's a flat face....  Then the gouges.  The bar has "catches" on it so the gouge jig doesn't quite move smoothly on it, but I have managed to get a single bevel. 

Tormek has given me the number for Tec support in the US.  I'm going to call today and ask a few basic questions and clarifications.  I have watched the video and re-read the manuals about six times.  I still need some clarification on a few points.  I hope these will be answered today.

I don't want to have to give up and purchase a whole different system.  The one I have, with the attachments, cost right under $900.  It's a big investment.

Thank you for your responses.
Wood Turning / help with skew jig
May 29, 2011, 02:27:25 PM
Hello.  I'm new to turning and sharpening.  I was gifted a Tormek T-7 with all the jigs.  I'm about to return the whole thing because I can't get it to sharpen.  I've studied the manuals and watched the videos many times.  Had a friend over to help.  He is a "certified" tech. person.  Tormek showed him how to use the machine.  He didn't use any of the jigs.

For repeatability, I can't do it the way he did.  I've shaped some of the chisels based on the Tormek way.  After hours of shaping I finally got a good edge on a roughing gouge, a skew chisel, a spindle gouge and a parting tool.  Haven't shaped or sharpened the rest as I've lost confidence in the system.

Yesterday, I tried "touching-up" the edge of the skew after some time on the lathe.  35 minutes later I still didn't have a burr on ONE edge and my bevel was faceted.  I repeatedly refreshed the wheel with the stone.  The jig for skews is very tricky to use.  As it doesn't attach to the bar, like the other jigs do, any minute variation in hand movement creates a facet.  Since it's metal resting on round metal there is no good hold.  I wish this jig had been like the others.  I have no problem with the gouge jig.  It's a breeze to use...

I really need some help before I give up.  Thank you.