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Messages - chrisrosenb

Thank you Ionut. I understand now. I reversed the p & s faces on the bit. I got those reversed from the first video I watched & never caught that I had it wrong.
As I said I was missing something simple.

This is where real pictures of each step of the process would be helpful instead of a drawing of the finished product with lines trying to show each step.

Below is a bit I just sharpened. It is not perfect, but it is a start & I understand it now.
Thank you again.


Thank you for the replies Ionut & Ken.

The biggest problem I find with the manual is that the used drawings instead of real pictures.
In the drawings they show that the heal is much shorter than the cutting edge.
In the videos they show grinding the entire face but the cannot show a clear closeup of the clearance angle.
When they grind the secondary face they do not grind the heal, they only grind the cutting edge.

The only way I can get the heal to come out shorter than the cutting edge is to align the cutting edges with the angled line on the face of the jig.
But I cannot grind the secondary face without changing angles.

There has to be something simple that I am missing, I am just very disappointed that Tormek has been of zero help on this.   
I searched for this problem & did not find anything.

I recently got a Tormek DBS-22 Drill Bit Sharpener.
Yesterday afternoon I set it up & started sharpening a bit.
I watched the online video several times.
I set the jig up as to the manuals directions.
I used the angle of the old bit  120 degrees.
I set the clearance angle at 11 degrees.

For some reason the clearance side of the face is coming out taller than the cutting edge. The opposite of what it should be.
I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong?

General Tormek Questions / Jeff Farris
March 15, 2011, 03:49:36 PM

Do you check the messages that are sent through the SharpToolsUSA website? 

Thank you for the reply Jeff.

I am using the new bearings. The ID of both new bearings is .637 inch.
The hone end of the shaft measures .628 inch, the shoulder on the stone end of the shaft measures .623 inch.

I have owned a Tormek sharpener for many years. The shaft was starting to rust, so I decided to get the EzyLock upgrade.
I started to install it today & discovered that there is a small shoulder turned on the shaft at the bearing location on the stone end of the shaft.
The shaft is smaller than the bearing in this area & very sloppy in the bearing. Both new bearings are the same size.
Is the EzyLock shaft designed to be this sloppy in the bearing?
