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Messages - robincbailey

Ken, how are you getting on with the taller universal support bar
Micro adjustment was in reply to Wootz on the first page as he said that no having the thread was stopping him from buying one. Shame really as they are well worth it, and makes what was a hard job sharpening cleavers very easy.
Why would you want to swap wheels whilst doing a cleaver or long carving knife? Remember this support is a supplement not a replacement, and I only use it for extra height or width when required.
Hi everyone,
You can buy your extended universal support bar via this link

I decided not to bother with the micro adjust and threaded bar as this extended bar is primarily used for wide chinese cleavers and longer carvers where a micro adjustment is not required. In fact I never use the micro adjust on knives, I just move the bar up or down a little or use the adjustment on the handle.
I use the Tormek T7 everyday as I run a sharpening business and the micro adjustment is only really used on the SVH-320 Planer Jig.
I have now been using this extended bar for nearly five years and it has not made the T7 unstable and have never needed the micro adjustment, not even once.
Thanks Ken, although it's handy for sharpening different steels its primarily because I run a training school for professional sharpeners.
No problem Ken, and I can ship to anyone worldwide if need be.
I know have a stock of Wider and Taller Universal Support Bars for sale via my website, these make sharpening wide cleavers and long carver knives a lot easier and possible as the std bar is too short and not wide enough.
You can purchase them via my website
I now have the Extended Universal Support Bars in stock and for sale.
You can purchase them via my website
We are going off subject a bit, however......
I find its too slow the other way. The only reason a knife would jump is that you are not applying enough downwards pressure to hold the knife jig stable on the universal support. This happens more on worn stones as the angle increases and is not that dangerous really, but certainly gives you a bit of a scare. Pay attention and it's not an issue.
That other jig is not what is required for quite a few reasons.
I have now been using the extended jig for four years, day in day out and have never, not even once, had a single issue with it. What could be simpler, just extend what is already proven to work well. I'm not after reinventing the wheel, just applying a bit of common sense.
I'm still willing to get some of these made up.
Why Tormek do not yet provide a taller and wider universal support is a bit of a mystery to me. I'm a professional sharpener using the Tormek every day for several hours each day, so would dispute anyone telling me that it's not safe or stable.
Well its now over two years since I had the extended version made, and my machine has NEVER toppled over and I have now sharpened hundreds of chinese cleavers. This is also very good for knives 14 inch and longer.

Tormek - you are missing a trick here, and this jig is now a 'must have' for my tool box whenever I go out sharpening. I really would not even attempt a cleaver without this extra wide and tall support, as freehanding is just not good enough.
Many thanks for your comments Ken. Constructive criticism or comments are always welcomed.
Well I have only had one request so far.
This new support is all stainless steel and I can now sharpen any knife or cleaver with ease. The machine is not unstable with the extra long and wide support, and I feel so much more professional being able to just swap over the suppport for the larger one when required.
No more messing about holding a cleaver roughly at the correct position, I can now offer an exact angle of the customers choice just as I can with any other knife.
If you want me to supply one then go onto my web site and email me.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Sharpening Knives
October 01, 2010, 09:32:27 PM
I just press a little harder and that seems to clear the stone.  I very rarely need to use the stone grader unless I want real fine edge, and I do quite a lot of knives each week, but what Jeff say's is correct as high end Japanese knives hardly raise a burr.